• Okaysou Air Purifier

    Don’t SNEEZE! Okaysou Airmic4s Air Purifier

    I may need to buy another face mask since this Covid-19 seems like it will never go away! Here is my reasoning.  Allergy season is here in Idaho.  I sneeze, I cough and I can NOT keep my eyes from watering and running.  People in the store  people glare at you. So, my new face mask has to say “It’s JUST ALLERGIES! HONEST!” However, I am perfectly comfortable at home even though my home is surrounded by trees and a big ole hairy dog inside. Add to that the constant construction in and around our home and the neighbor behind us. Dust. A fine layer of dust EVERY. WHERE. ALL.…

  • Obesity: What next?

    Overweight and obesity are global trends affecting millions of people worldwide. Almost half the population of the United States has a bit of extra weight, while each third American has obesity. Many people believe obesity is just an aesthetic problem and do not realize its health complications. However, having trouble finding brands that fit your body is not a problem at all compared to the damage it does to your internal organs.  What is obesity? Obesity is commonly defined as having an excess of body fat. The commonly accepted way to tell if you are obese or not is by measuring your Body Mass Index, or BMI. If you are…

  • Covid-19 Ways To Overcome The Continued Challenges Posed By The Pandemic

    The global coronavirus pandemic has impacted all of our lives in a very big way. While it seems that the lock-down regulations are beginning to ease, it will be a long time before true normality is restored. It has subsequently impacted every aspect of our daily lives.  Temporary measures got you through the initial troubles, but it is now necessary to think about more permanent ideas. Here are 19 simple tips to overcome common obstacles. Image Pixabay CC0 License 1) Restore Healthy Sleeping Patterns During the first few weeks of the coronavirus lock-down, you probably spent a lot of nights watching Netflix until 3 AM. However, a good night’s sleep…

  • 6 Tips to Improve Your Golf Game

    You’ve tried a few games, but no matter how hard you try your golf game doesn’t seem to improve. You’ve gone through several YouTube tutorials, but while the advice they give seems logical in theory, you just cannot seem to improve in practice. When it comes to improving your golf game, a lot of people think about joining a club or working with a professional. But there are several improvements you can make right away and you’ll begin noticing a significant improvement in your game. We asked the experts at BombTech Golf to share what some of those are. Schedule an Eye Checkup While you might think you’re too young…

  • A Scrub A Day Keeps Corona Away: How To Effectively Clean And Protect Your Home

    Even with social distancing measures in place and washing our hands more frequently than ever before, Coronavirus is still a tricky opponent. Studies suggest that the COVID-19 virus can remain active on most surfaces for hours and even days. Therefore the CDC strongly suggests cleaning is one of the most effective ways of protecting your home from this invisible enemy. If someone in your house has contracted COVID-19 or was in contact with someone who has, cleaning can be the most effective way to protect your entire family. We asked the experts at C&C Cleaning to share a few tips on how to best protect your home from the terrifying…

  • Boosting Profits in Your Small Business

    Image: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-holds-10-u-s-dollar-banknote-928201/ As a small business, getting your footing can be difficult. You probably don’t have a lot of experience or lots of money in the bank, so getting it right and being successful is important and you only really have one shot at it. Whether you’re just starting out or are looking for ways to give your small business a boost, here are some ideas.  Hire efficient, experienced workers The best staff will keep your business running smoothly, taking care of all the many processes in the company which keep everything working. Spend time in the recruitment process, really work on finding the best people that fit with your…