• Teen Safe Students outside

    Keep Your Teen Safe as They Prepare to Enter Adulthood With These Five Tips

    There’s a lot to be excited about as your teen approaches adulthood and they’re getting ready to go to college and live on their own. However, there is a lot to be nervous about too. Learn to keep your teen safe. As a parent, you want to make sure your child is safe, happy, and healthy when they strike out on their own, and you want to make sure that they feel prepared for anything that comes their way. That’s exactly what you can do when you follow the safety tips on this list. Outline Safe Driving Expectations One of the most exciting moments in a teen’s life is getting…

  • dream college Diploma and cap

    How To Boost Your Chances Of Getting Into Your Dream College

    Going to college can open up so many doors in life and, whether you are just finishing high school or you an adult in later life that wants to change careers, a degree can really help you get ahead. But the best colleges in the country are very competitive, and more people than ever are choosing to go into higher education. If you want to earn a place, your grades are not always enough, and you need to do something to set yourself apart. These are some of the best tips to help you get into your dream college.  Get Good Grades  Although grades aren’t the only thing that will…

  • Goals

    Your Guide To Overcoming Life-Changing Events Positively And Productively

    Wouldn’t it be marvelous if we all had a crystal ball we could peer into every now and again? Finding out what life had in store for us tomorrow, next week, or even in years to come? Hindsight is something we often all wished we had, to help us avoid tragedy or mistakes that we can often make in our lives. However, as we can’t predict what we may have to deal with in our lives, such as health issues, injuries or emotional setbacks, we can all handle them collectively with some simple steps to move forward with our lives. Which is why I thought it would be important to…