• Working Remotely fist bump

    How To Keep Employees Motivated While Working Remotely

    Working remotely is becoming a more popular alternative to the traditional in-house method of running a business due to the lingering effects of Covid-19. And many employers who have adopted and adjusted to this operation mode have had their fair share of challenges. A significant concern is employee behavior toward work. This transition has not been smooth for several employees as they have to deal with other distractions during working hours. This has led to low productivity, triggered by a lack of motivation. Here are a few ways to keep your employees motivated while working from home. Improve communication Communication plays a crucial role in the growth of a business.…

  • The Surprising Benefits Of Movement And Dance For Toddlers

    You’ve probably seen the videos where babies and toddlers are dancing in their car seats to the latest pop or rock song. You may feel that some parents have too much time on their hands or simply listen to the same song too often. However, the truth is that movement and dance in particular, can be a great way for toddlers to learn new skills. Once you realize the benefits of dance you’ll be wondering why you didn’t sign your child up sooner. Coordination Toddlers are just learning about the world around them and their own physical limits. At times they can be ungainly as they learn how to coordinate…

  • Giveaway March

    $50 Your Way #Giveaway March 2021

    It’s MARCH’s #Giveaway!? I know, month after month and year after year I say the same thing! But, seriously WHERE IS TIME GOING!?!? During the month of February we finished both beams. The main floor and my craftroom look amazing! I started sorting our family boxes. Photos and art projects sorted and the scanning has begun! I splurged and bought myself a photo scanner. HOLY GUACAMOLE BATMAN this was one of the best investments I have ever made! Seriously, watch this thing! On to a question………… what do y’all think THIS is?? We caught it peeking in the front door too (on video but, no better pictures than this). But,…