• IT support

    Why Your Start-Up Business Should Outsource IT Support

    IT support can be very useful for a business of any size, but especially for small or start-up businesses. When you outsource IT support in your first year, you can improve your productivity, cybersecurity, and efficiency. By using an IT services provider, you can get support for your start-up and won’t need to worry about keeping up with all the developments in IT.  Better Security Security must be a priority for all sizes of business. Any operating systems that you use, as well as any devices, such as laptops, tablets, or smartphones, all store and transmit a lot of data. Security breaches are common fears for a lot of business…

  • IT services

    How To Make Better Use of Outsourcing To Grow Your Small Business

    Outsourcing is one of the most important considerations to keep in mind when you want to grow your small business. It allows you to bridge the gap between your current employment situation and hiring new staff. For many small businesses, hiring is simply far too expensive and just not practical. However, sticking with your current team might not be working out for you, so it’s important to eventually get some new talent on board. This is where outsourcing comes in handy. By hiring specific people to do certain tasks, like hiring managed IT services, you can greatly improve the productivity of your business at a fraction of the cost of…

  • Schooling at Home: The Real Lessons We Should Be Teaching Our Kids

    With all the educational trends over the last year pointing towards schooling at home and remote working, parents all over the world have had to fly by the seat of their pants. When they receive work from the school, they have to interpret it and do the best they can with the child. And while there’s a lot to be said about the importance of academics, while our children are at home, we might want to start thinking about the best lessons that we can teach our children that are not necessarily provided by schools. If you have thought that there are certain lessons that you need to teach your…