• AU-Rate Necklace Bezel

    Motivation. Beautiful Motivation!! #auratenyc

    Ohhhhhhhhhh Oh yes motivation WORKS!! THE NON is giddy!! I have (yes! AGAIN!!) treated myself to a gorgeous piece of jewelry!! After all, us girls gotta spoil themselves! It keeps us sane! During Covid I decided that if I have to stay home I may as well work on me. So, treadmill, sit-ups, crunches and trying very hard not to eat every thing in my path. (I know you are wondering, what on earth does this have to do with jewelry!?! I’m gettin’ there, hang on.) I decided to find a “YOU DID IT” gift to give to myself. My first choice was a gold collar necklaces. LOVE ’em! L.O.V.E…

  • The Benefits of Walking

    Exercise has become popular over the past few years. There are many ways people are keeping fit. Walking, however, isn’t the first choice amongst Americans. Your selection of physical activities doesn’t have to be for long periods or intense, for you to benefit from it. Walking for thirty minutes a day carries plenty of advantages that contribute to your holistic well-being. Let’s look at a few of the benefits you can gain from this exercise: Weight Loss Walking might seem like a tedious movement with no real benefit. Losing weight is possible if you are intentional about your exercise and walk about 45 minutes a few days a week. The…

  • Home Renovations

    7 Safety Tips to Observe During Home Renovations

    Are you planning a home renovation soon? Home renovation is one of the fastest ways of revitalizing the appearance of your home. However, this may be a risky endeavor, especially if you have an insufficient background in construction. Safety should be your main priority. The following are some safety tips to observe during home renovations.  Understand Your Home When installing a new fixture at your home, it is essential to familiarize yourself with your home’s layout structure. These structures include electrical wiring, plumbing pipes, gas valves, water lines, and among others. For instance, applying a sledgehammer to a wall that contains water pipes may turn a simple renovation into a…