• Lady at the computer

    What to Eat to Boost Productivity

    We all know that feeling when we’re trying to boost productivity and our brain just isn’t cooperating. Whether it’s because we’re tired, stressed, or just not in the right mindset, it can be difficult to get things done when our brain isn’t firing on all cylinders. However, there are some simple things we can do to give our productivity a boost. A lot of people believe that in order to be productive, they need to consume lots of coffee. While coffee can help to some extent, it can come with its own health risks, and consuming too much can give you the jitters. To help relax you and bring you back…

  • September $50 Your Way Giveaway

    $50 Your Way Giveaway September 2022!

    Happy September Giveaway little Peanuts. Here is my monthly update. August was a pretty busy month. I finally got back to work in my garden. Let’s just say it’s a big dead piece of land and not really a garden. But, all weeds are pulled. Everything has been trimmed back. I dug up some of my lavender plants and planted them in different places. It worked wonderfully last year so I’m hoping for the same next spring. Only a small amount of touch-up left to do and this year is done. I also cleaned up my little roll-top desk. (Refresher, my Grandpa built this little roll-top desk for my Mom…

  • Winston

    Spirit Of Halloween MADE Me Do It!

    I recently saw a funny saying on Instagram that said something to the effect of “Buy the stuff that makes YOUR estate sale INTERESTING!”  Well, MY estate sale will have people going WTH!??! (I want you to take notice that I cleaned up my WT!!) I want people to point and shake their heads speechless. I ALSO want to be a ghost standing next to them just laughing my a*@ off. THANK YOU, Spirit Of Halloween. So, some of you may know about Mority. It’s been established that I have a few screws loose.  I, at times, may have a slightly odd sense of humor…. so with that in mind…