B-12 Patch Folate Review

Do you know why Vitamin B-12 is important? I have a LIST! Here are just some of the symptoms of Vitamin B-12 deficiency! Low energy; that’s a major for me! Depression, muscle pain, irritability, ups and downs with your mood, hearing and vision problems and memory loss.

With my Aunt having Alzheimer’s I am more than just a little paranoid! I’ve been taking B-12 supplements for a while now. This is the first time I’ve tried a Vitamin B-12 Energy Patch. I have to admit this is the most convenient way to take B-12! The patch delivers of a slow dose infusion into the body.


B-12 has truly helped me maintain focus and that boost of energy is an awesome benefit!

The smart packaging is simple to use. There are 8 patches inside a fitted transparent zip lock poly bag. Which is perfect for me to toss in my purse or backpack. Peel one patch off the card and place it on a clean dry place on your skin: recommended placement is behind your ear. No muss No fuss. Leave your patch on for 24 hours.

Use a fresh patch 1 or 2 times per week. I only use one patch a week and I alternate ears. Each package is a 2 month supply. 1 patch really will make you feel better for a FULL week!!

You will start to feel better! A boost of energy without an upset stomach, no jitters or shakes either.

Included with your purchase of Vitamin B-12 Energy Patches is an e-book with tips on health and increasing your energy levels.


If you don’t love the clean, sustained B-12 Energy boost Innovative Balance will give you a full refund!!


Nope, not a single one! Using this B-12 Energy Patch couldn’t be easier, quicker and the perfect dose! Sustained energy and NO shots!!

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  • Christine A

    A patch is convenient and I would like an energy boost without the jitters. I was also surprised to see how small the patch. I wasn’t very aware of the importance of vitamin B-12 so I learned a lot.


    Gosh, these sound great! My Dad has to have monthly B12 injections to help his body absorb iron from his diet but they leave him feeliing sore & nauseous. This slow release patch makes much more sense – I’ll have to ask next time I take him to the Doc’s if they or something similar is available here in Ireland.

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