Before You Were Born…………

I love that five-year-old Alice still lets me cuddle her; well at least in the mornings anyway. So today, when she got out of bed she came to the couch and climbed in my lap. Cuddly, warm and still sleepy Alice says “Non, did you know that when I was in my Mommies tummy I kicked her a lot!”
I responded “Yes, you did. You would kick at everyone’s hand too when they put their hand on her tummy. You were feisty even then”
I had to wonder what she dreamed about last night!
Of course the questions kept coming:
Alice: “Did you talk to me?”
Me: “Of course I did!! Every single time I saw your MaMa! I would cup my hands and talk into her tummy and say “I love you Alice” and “I can’t wait to kiss your face!” and “It’s me Nonnie!”
Alice: sat up and with wide eyes “How did you know I was Alice?”
Me: “We saw pictures of you”
Alice: “While I was INSIDE my MaMa’s tummy?”
Me: “Yes” as I pointed up to the 3D Ultrasound pictures that are framed on the wall; “you know that’s you right??”
Alice “Oh yeah, I forgot” (Heaven help us if she has MY memory!!)
So, then of course then we had to take the frame down and study the pictures. Discuss where her eyes were, where her nose was. She was so fascinated. I have to admit, I am too. It’s amazing what details you can see and how much of the baby’s personality shows through and they aren’t even born yet. So of course that started us searching the internet for more 3D Ultrasound photos. These are Alice and my favorites from 3D Ultrasound Adelaide.

Ultrasound pictures are truly amazing and too me such a wonderful keepsake. It’s hard to believe it’s been 5 years since we first saw Alice. Time is going too dang fast for me!! For now though I will continue to love my mushy, cuddly mornings with this kid. I know that I am gonna miss them terribly when she tells me she’s too old for cuddles. See?? I told you guys that I wasn’t ready for her to go to Kindergarten!!


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