• #CBD

    VIVE #CBD What’s All The Fuss About? #GIVEAWAY

    I have complained whined several million times that aging is NOT for the weak of heart! Basically, it sucks. Not as much as the alternative but sucks all the same. I have aches in places I didn’t even know COULD ache! WTH?! Now I have been diagnosed with arthritis. I have these big ole bumps on my knuckles like my grandma had. I thoroughly and completely enjoy my knitting, but I have to stop often to move my fingers around or they freeze up like claws. Great at Halloween, not so much when I’m knitting. My joints hurt. I make all these noises when I get up. AGAIN…. WTH!??! Sleep?…

  • Showing Your Love Win a LOVE Wine Corkscrew

    Showing Your Love On Lockdown: 4 Sweet Ways To Keep in Touch

    You want to know the biggest problem with self-isolation? The isolation part. Many of us are lucky enough to share our lockdown with our significant others, our kids and in some cases our parents. We might still feel blue from time to time (we’re all only human), but being close to those we love plays a huge part in our ability to power through the current pandemic and remain hopeful and optimistic. While we may be prone to cabin fever sometimes, and even feel as though you’re getting under one another’s feet, you know that the current crisis would be much harder to bear alone.  And for at least some…

  • healthy exercise

    Ways To Improve Your Health When You’re In Your 40s!!

    Are you over 40? Has it been awhile since you’ve visited your doctor or had any blood work done? As you age, a myriad of changes occur on the outside and inside of your body. While wrinkles on your face and stiff muscles in the morning seem to be more prevalent now, it’s time to take some serious measures to ensure a healthy future. Here are just a few ways that you can improve your health over 40. Routine Health Screenings If you routinely see your doctor for a health condition or concern, that’s great. If you don’t, now is the time to set up an appointment with your general practitioner. He will…