
All giveaways 2018

  • Win $50 your way. Single blog

    May $50 #Giveaway Single Blog

    Hello little Peanuts! I hope April was good to you. It’s time for May’s $50 #Giveaway I finally got a good look at the ‘mystery animal’ it truly was a cat. A very LARGE and VERY MUCH in heat cat. That will teach me to wish for a good look at that animal, because NOW she wants to wallow under my bedroom window all the time. UGH!!! I dunno about you, but I think this cat looks evil. I hope that you have entered the $50  NOVICA Giveaway.  I personally think NOVICA has the most unique and interesting items. I love the fact that I can learn about the artist…

  • Mothers Day Gift Giveaway

    Mother’s Day #NOVICA #Giveaway #Win $50 Gift Card!

    It’s close to that time of year when we celebrate MOM!! There are certain things I personally would LOVE to receive as a gift. Not just for Mother’s Day either. If you’ve been around PBnWhine awhile you KNOW how addicted I am to chunky silver rings! They are ALWAYS on my want list. The big, bold statement kind of silver rings. The rings that go from knuckle to knuckle. Those are my jam! (yeah, I DO think I’m cool…. I’m so not…. but I play one on the blog!) If you have been with me a while you also know I get GIDDY when I get to work with NOVICA.…

  • $50 Your Way Giveaway

    Hello April!! #Giveaway Win $50 Your Way! April 2021

    Hello Peanuts, who’s ready to Win $50??!! Who else is ready for spring!? I’m absolutely ready to say goodbye to the snow. Mostly I am ready to say goodbye to the season of the mud. Seriously, the road is so bad my 4 wheel drive car can’t drive through it. Now, I love my mountain life, don’t get me wrong. I may not want to go anywhere but knowing I CAN’T, that makes me nuts. (I know, spoiled!) Besides the mud we have flowers starting to pop up. My tomato, blueberries and house plants are going NUTS!! I’m so HAPPY!! My only other ‘not boring’ news was the freak windstorm…