
All giveaways 2018

  • Giveaway October logo

    Hello October 2022! Time For The $50 Your Way Giveaway!!

    October 2022 giveaway time. Okay, all together now……… HOW DID it get to be October already!??! My monthly update is filled with Halloween goodies! I decorated early in September. I just couldn’t help it. I started sending goodies to Alice and Olivia for Halloween. Then the whole ‘Winston‘ thing happened. Thank you Kate for the name, it really fits him.  The most important part of Winston is the fact that my son Zachary STILL refuses to acknowledge him!!! Seriously!! How stubborn is this kid?!?!?! Yes, I do see the irony. That nut did not fall far from the tree. However, I continue to send an updated picture of Winston throughout…

  • September $50 Your Way Giveaway

    $50 Your Way Giveaway September 2022!

    Happy September Giveaway little Peanuts. Here is my monthly update. August was a pretty busy month. I finally got back to work in my garden. Let’s just say it’s a big dead piece of land and not really a garden. But, all weeds are pulled. Everything has been trimmed back. I dug up some of my lavender plants and planted them in different places. It worked wonderfully last year so I’m hoping for the same next spring. Only a small amount of touch-up left to do and this year is done. I also cleaned up my little roll-top desk. (Refresher, my Grandpa built this little roll-top desk for my Mom…

  • $50 Giveaway August

    $50 Your Way Giveaway August 2022

    Here is my July Giveaway update from on top of the mountain in Sandpoint Idaho. The beginning of the month was a whirlwind.  The Husband has been sick, MS and Covid do NOT mix well. Mid July I had originally planned to take visiting Granddaughter Alice home, stay a week and visit family and friends before returning home. Welllll, that was not meant to be. The Husband could not be left alone longer than a day, even that was tricky. So, Alice and I flew to sunny California, I dropped the kid at the curb, hugged the son-in-law. Hugged the kid and immediately got on a plane back to Idaho.…