• 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge with Creative Bioscience!!

    Skinny! How weird is this…..today I posted the very first blog post… ya know, from when the blog was all about weight loss 7/1/2009!! Then this afternoon I find a blog post over at Blog By Donna and she has started a 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge with the help of Creative Bioscience.  They are looking for other bloggers to join this challenge…. HELLO?!?! Here I AM!!  Pick me!! Pick me!! So, after checking out all the different diets offered at Creative Bioscience I think the one that appeals to me the most is the Green Coffee Bean  I am not great about exercise, although I know it’s good for me!! I also…

  • Toe Juice Logo

    Toe Juice Review & Give Away!!

    First things first, I had no idea what Toe Juice was in the beginning, but, with a name like TOE JUICE I HAD to have it!! TOE JUICE!!  The name just cracks me up!!  I know, I know…. I’ve admitted it before, I buy things because of the name or the cute packaging…. I do it all the time.  Some products I later regret… Toe Juice, is not one I would regret!!  This little bottle of green Toe Juice packs a powerful punch! This is just a short list of things Toe Juice can be used for: Acne Athletes foot Cold Sores Diabetic Eczema Foot Problems Ichthyosis Psoriasis Insect Bites Jock Itch…

  • Light Therapy by Tanda

    The older I get the more I am searching for products that help my skin retain some of its youthful appearance.  I intend to fight the signs of aging tooth and nail!!   I found something else I would love to try!!  Light Therapy!   Tanda Luxe isn’t like a cream or lotion you don’t wait for six to eight weeks to see a difference.  Light Therapy treats the signs of aging from the outside in, Luxe works on your skin to actually make your skin behave younger. As we age both deflation and deterioration makes skin look older than we feel or want. Deflation, a loss of volume, is…