• Sunday Remodel Update

    I know y’all are just sittin’ at the edge of your seats for my remodel update. (Yup, I AM a funny girl!) The Husband got the fridge in it’s spot WITH the ice maker working. It’s no longer in the livingroom! Can I get a WOOOO HOOO!!! The microwave is attached to the wall!! I HELPED!!! Okay, so mostly I just made sure that the whole thing didn’t move while he attached it to the wall but I’m SOOOOOOOOOOOO counting it as helped!! The stove is in too!! THIS is progress!! Still waiting for the rest of the cupboards to get finished and the counters, but we are making progress.…

  • Kitchen Remodel in Sandpoint Idaho

    Remodeling Update

    Your Sunday remodeling update. MAN! Remodeling is NOT for the faint of heart! (I know, I KNOW… I say that every update) It’s also not something you should do unless you have an abundance of patience!!!!!! I mean like OVER-FLOWING with patience!! AND really like to clean too! So much dirt!! The kitchen. Yes, it’s still under construction. It is slowly coming along. But progress is being made!  The Husband (my handyman!!) installed our new light fixture. I helped….. I held it up! That’s helping!! Especially if you say “are you done yet?” A lot. That makes the job go way faster. (I’m kidding! Mostly! That sucker is heavy!!) Heavy…

  • Sunday’s Remodel Update!

    Here is my question for the day. Does a remodel ever go smooth and easy? We’ve hit delay after delay. Snag after snags then add a few more snags. We ordered new carpeting the beginning of April. Granted it’s a LOT of carpet so it had to be ordered. Then this week the carpet arrived. YEAH!!! But, nooooooo because NOW they decided that we need to do an asbestos on the bathroom floor tile. (hold your ears….) )@$@*($@O(&%@% why couldn’t you tell us that when we order the )@&$@((@((* carpeting?!?!? So we send off the tile scraping to the governmental agency. Tile in all the bathrooms fine. Except the bathroom…