Dead & Breakfast MY WAY!!!

Check this out! Tamra recently sent me a picture of this Dead & Breakfast sign that she knew I would love. MAN OH MAN was she right!!

The Lakeside Catalog shows this picture:

Dead & Breakfast sign

The first thing that comes to mind is “I can totally make THAT!”


Last year at Hobby Lobby I found this butt ugly picture that says CHIC in leopard print. Ummmm ugly but $4.99! So? Ya know…. I can paint over that!

Ahhhhhh Hobby Lobby! You are sneaky. I did a coat of Gesso. Then a coat of black. CHIC showed thru. Gesso, black paint. CHIC. Gesso, black paint. CHIC. Gesso, black paint. CHIC. At this point I now believe that it would have been cheaper to BUY a blank 3′ x 2′ canvas…. but I’m stubborn. Gesso, black paint. CHIC. THEN decided to add a denser paint and the only color I had was a rust. Okay, that will work. Then I decided if I am going that route let’s add a coat of crackle after the rust. All that dried and then I added a final coat of black. The whole effect looks so good. It looks old and weathered. PERFECT for a creepy sign that knowing me, will end out staying up all year.  In my defense it will be in the mud room.

Base is completely done.

Now, the basic sign is done. NOW I need to add my vinyl lettering. I found an amazing font. HOWEVER! I can’t decide which of the vinyl colors I like more. I THINK the gold, but then I look at the rust…. ahhhhhhhhh I can’t decide!! HELP ME!!!

What color would you pick?? Tan, rust or gold. Or do you have a DIFFERENT idea?

Do you like the font?? The placement isn’t right I just wanted all the words grouped together so you could see.

Dead n Breakfast

Thank you little Peanuts for your help.

AND……….. ta da……….. the final creation. Dead and Breakfast


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