June 2016 $50 Cash YOUR WAY Giveaway!

Here it is…… My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower!

Into June we head and the year is officially halfway over. The June Giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements and definitely going through PBnWhine for your regular Amazon Purchases are always appreciated. It’s also very appreciated if you like any of my reviews on Amazon. (I AM the queen of subtle hints!! I just can’t make it an entry because of Amazon’s terms of service. But I will be forever grateful AND able to continue to afford this giveaway)

Win $50 Your Way!Ton’s Of Ways To Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway

Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! Okay, so technically, I love all the entries and I’m thrilled you do any of them! Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally.

Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, all of the entries are about me, me, me, me…. and of course ME!!

I am so thankful for my wonderful followers here on Peanut Butter and Whine!! I really do feel blessed that you stop by!!

$50 PayPal or Target or Walmart or Starbucks, Amazon Gift Card, OR?? Your choice!!

Thank you all so much for your support!!

The main entries are the same every month, so if you a regular follower you’ll just breeze through the list.

If you are new here… welcome!! I hope you’ll be back. OFTEN!!

Now, off ya go. Good Luck!!

$50 Your Way June 2016


  • clojo9372

    I had a nice afternoon with my Mom. We are rewatching Dynasty. Brings back a lot of memories for me from my childhood. The acting was way over the top but I still love the clothes! 🙂

  • lissa crane

    My day is going great! I had a shopping trip and lunch, to take advantage of the early 4th of July sales, with my two favorite girls-my daughters! It was a very nice day!


    I had another bad night’s sleep again. I’ll have to start using my sleep apnoea machine again, darn it! No wonder I sleep alone – I’m asthmatic, got cold sores, a wonky leg, apnoea AND I sleep on just a board because of my back! Who’d have me?

  • Christine Burd

    I am heading to zumba class and trying to decide if I want to walk the half hour there and back . Looks a little dark and gloomy , might be caught in the rain.

  • clojo9372

    My shoulders and arms are killing me.. All I did was yoga! I guess it was all that up dog/down dog stuff… I am gonna finish up my work today and then spend my afternoon with my mother. 🙂

  • Tamra Phelps

    It was a pretty good day here. My niece hit an inside the park grand slam during her softball game, so she’s happy, lol. It wasn’t too hot, not humid, so a great day.

  • clojo9372

    The sun came out today! I did my yoga and worked on my abs. I am not getting on the scale because that will just depress me. I feel better about how I look even if the number won’t justify it, so it’s best for me not to look. LOL. 🙂

  • Robyn Bellefleur

    My day is going great so far. Taking a break from working in the garden on a nice sunny day and actually getting some chores done.

  • Cathy French

    Today I’ve got a sink full of dishes, a bathtub that really needs cleaned and so many other chores I need to try to at least start today


    Today was all set for being a busy sort-the-house-out day as the weather forecast was for showers all day. What happened? I woke with the alarm, switched it off and woke up at almost lunchtime! Now my head’s all muzzy and I’m trying to do too many things at once!

  • michele soyer

    Up and going today.. I feel energized nd very positive.. Laundry is hanging out and breakfast is done… the rest of my day I have not figured out as yet but it will be productive!

  • Mai T.

    I will be going to the hairdresser’s today and I feel nervous that she might mess up my hair. It’s so difficult to find one you’re satisfied with.

  • Hayley

    My day was kind of lame today. PMS combined with moody friends, one of which is moving across the country and the other who is just depressed and seemingly beyond my reach. It’s hard to not really have any close friends some days. I’m sure tomorrow will be better, I’m taking my little one to the grand opening of a new bargain store called Ollie’s with our nana in the morning.

  • Tamra Phelps

    My nephews were here most of the day, in between each of their baseball games. The youngest (7) got the game ball in his game! So, he was thrilled! Pretty good day.

  • Ann

    My day was kind of typical, but my recollection of it is pretty hazy. Took a nap or two. Had pain that Tylenol can’t kill; still hurts right now. Tired; unwell.

  • margaret peg m.

    Our granddaughter had stitches removed from her lip today, she was attacked by a pit bull on her street that bit off part of her upper lip. She is 4 and a real trooper!

  • clojo9372

    Today was a very rainy day. I got my cardio and strength training in and I was able to get all of my scheduled work done. It was a good day and very productive. 🙂


    Dad would have been 83 today so feeling a bit down generally – I miss our chats and the sheer physicality of the man – he was such a big bloke, the place seems too big for us now.

  • Angie S

    My day is absolutely fantastic! I’m working part time during the summer so I’m home with my almost 7 year old daughter at the moment. We’re enjoying our sleeping in, reading through the Harry Potter series, going to the movies during the day and so much more!
    Time with my girl, I can never complain!

  • michele soyer

    Great beginning to my day… have a nice chat with an old girlfriend.. Nice to catch up and hear how happy she is…

  • Mai T.

    Bought the tickets to Berlin and Paris yesterday. Oh boy they are expensive! But I can’t stop being excited about the trip.

  • Katy

    Today was great! My daughter and I were able to play outside a few times and we had fun running general errands. A good Monday overall!

  • clojo9372

    Another power outage today. They are very inconvenient. Wasn’t able to get what I wanted done, done. So I had to improvise…

  • Sarah L

    Good swim class then a trip to the bank to get a gift card to carry around next week when I’m at GALA and a trip to Costco for a bunch of stuff.

  • Ann

    The fun just never stops. Need to see a dentist, but am having major problems over here. Under state law I can’t pay out-of-pocket for dental care. The rest of the story is just complicated, stupid insurance crap.
    Cancelled my 4th of July trip, b/c I just put myself on the wait list for a couple Dr. appts.


    Drove Mum up to hospital in Dublin for an MRI to see if the cancer has been reduced. Results in a couple of days (I’ll have no finger nails left!).

  • Cathy French

    today I’m starting to feel back to normal after sleeping all day yesterday. Baking my boyfriend a birthday cake, he’s 44 today.

  • nancy munson

    My day is going good. I am drinking coffee, went grocery shopping, got some laundry and dishes done, playing with my essential oils, that’s about it!

  • Linda Manns Linneman

    I am having another Jesus filled day. I continue to get alot of cleaning done. I can’t do alot in one day as I am having problems with my back. My grandchildren are gone with their mother for the week. I thought I would get some deep cleaning done while I can. Have a great day. God Bless

  • Katy

    Today is good. I was worried because my toddler daughter and I didn’t sleep well last night, but we’ve done some fun low-key things around the house and should get a decent nap on in a few minutes- that always makes me happy!

  • Chrissy

    Today is going ok. I feel slightly overwhelmed trying to plan my child’s first birthday party since my whole family is coming into town meaning 12 extra people staying with us on top of planning everything!!!

  • michele soyer

    I am off and running this Monday morning.. sun is out and there is gardening to do as well as lawn work after all that rain so here I go…..

  • Mai T.

    I’m thinking about a trip to South Korean during an autumn month but it costs greatly. Sometimes when it comes to vacation, YOLO is the only option.

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s been too quiet around here today. My brother’s family has gone out of town for my oldest nephew’s baseball tournament, so kids have not been going in & out all day, lol. And I’ve been looking up every so often, thinking “this is too dang quiet.”

  • Linda Manns Linneman

    I had a great day today. I started it out with a cup of coffee watching Charles Stanley. I then got alot of deep cleaning done. We also got some rain to help our grass, plants, etc. God Bless

  • Ann

    Starting to plan a trip to visit my ex in a week or so, in part to figure out whether I’m going to be a suburban stepmom. Also trying to decide whether to shred or burn (or both, maybe?) my CV.

  • Michelle C

    My day is going very well. It’s Sunday so I’m planning on spending lots of time with my family and we are going to go out for pizza!


    Mum has to go to Dublin (5 hour round drive) so I’m just checking the car’s oil, water & tyres etc. It’s an early start so an early-to-bed evening ahead of us.

  • clojo9372

    It’s Sunday! I love Sunday. I have a lot of fun projects to work on today. I plan to enjoy myself while doing it. 🙂

  • michele soyer

    I am feeling happy and grateful today for all the things I have emotional spiritual and physical.. My family makes me feel loved and proud to be their wife and mum….Great day!

  • Mai T.

    We are doing some planning for next month’s trip. It’s so expensive when purchase close to departure date. But YOLO!

  • clojo9372

    Today was a good day. Did a little work and did my cardio kickboxing. Then I had some pizza! Probably undid the good I did with the workout but it was worth it! I love pizza and I hadn’t had it in a while! 🙂

  • Sarah L

    Had a good rehearsal this morning (too early) with 400 other singers. Only one week til we sing at the GALA Festival.

  • Jan Lee

    My day is going ok. Nothing big, did some chores, played some games. Hope to go to bed and sleep after I read some in my new book 🙂


    Visited Dad & put fresh roses from our garden on the grave. He was a terrific rose grower and I only hope I can remember all he taught me. Otherwise, the village is still in shock after the death of one of the young men in a crash. Numb.

  • Kristen

    My day’s going well….had a nice breakfast/lunch with last night’s leftovers, now we’re heading out to the Farmers’ Market.

  • michele soyer

    I tis an absolutely gorgeous Saturday .. laundry hanging out and I am going to make some pizza dough so we can have a pizza party today….

  • Mai T.

    My mom is always complaining about others while she’s not really a model herself. This is due to lifestyle and upbringing. I cannot criticize her but sometimes I’m annoyed.


    We got some awful news yesterday evening that has really affected everyone in the village and surrounding area: the lady who works in the village pub/shop lost her mother at Christmas, then her brother and yesterday her youngest son was killed on his way to work. And here’s me complaining because I can’t wear high heels any more. It’s just too awful to even comprehend.

    • Tamra Phelps

      That kind of thing, happening one after the other, must be horrible for her. Just overwhelming sadness that doesn’t end, I think. (Especially losing her child.) I hope she finds the strength to get through!


        Well, she wasn’t doing so good after her brother died (suicide) about 6 weeks ago so now this? She’s got her faith so that’s going to help I suppose. I can’t even begin to imagine the pain she’s going through.

  • michele soyer

    The sun is out and my husband is already in the garden … I did all my weekly baking yesterday so I am free today to do anything I please.. I see a great day filled with music and books…..

  • Mai T.

    What a great nice day! It’s the mid-summer vacation of the Nordic country so we have an extra day off. It’s precious!

  • clojo9372

    Today wasn’t a very rainy day but it was cool and comfortable. I got some work done and am having a pleasant evening.

  • ginette4

    Baked a cake for my daughter’s upcoming birthday..I won’t be here to celebrate but there will be a homemade chocolate cake


    Last night I got up ‘cos I couldn’t sleep (got a temperature) and took the plunge: I’ve ordered a new bed & mattress! My old divan is falling asunder as several cats have used it as a scratching post! No more spending till Christmas!

  • michele soyer

    I think I have to vent today.. I really dislike it when people lie to you and play games.. I am at an age that games just do not fly.. Tell me the truth and let me move on please….Now I feel better!

  • margaret peg m.

    Today is a GREAT day in Cleveland, Ohio…celebrating our Cavaliers basketball teams great national win. Recognizing the Champions!

  • Ann

    I thought it was supposed to rain already, today. Just a few sprinkles on the windowpane. I really wish it would rain.


    My sister arrived with a load of packing cases for the recycling bin and of course she didn’t squash them so the bins were overflowing. I emptied the lot onto the grass & started to flatten them but slipped & fell. I was so scared I’d undone all the ligament transplant surgery but I think it’s ok just a bit achey.

  • michele soyer

    The sun is shining today so all is well in my world.. Laundry already up and starting to make breakfast…

  • Ann

    My neighbor across the street had a whole bunch of yellow irises (like bulbs, sort of– I’m a super-novice “gardener”), and I went over and talked with her for a bit. I got 3 shopping bags’ full! Also got the same amount in mosquito bites. Ha ha ha. Ha ha. (Grrr…)

  • Sarah Phillips

    Today is actually my birthday, so I’m having a great day! 🙂 I’m stuffed full of cake and feeling happy and loved.


    Nothing out of the ordinary at all today. Sill feeling sneezy & chilly so just did the bare minimum of housework then a trip to town to stock up on Mum’s meds etc.

  • michele soyer

    My husband is going to Sams Club today to pick up a small beverage refrigerator for the patio downstairs.. Since down there was my moms apartment when she passed away we sort of used it when guests come..Even with the kitchen we need a small frig for outside for parties.. Off he goes….

  • Ann

    My day… was pretty typical; ordinary. Unremarkable, I guess. I felt kind of “off” for most of the day, though. Maybe that’s typical, too. I dunno.

  • Linda Manns Linneman

    Today has been a rough day. My grandchildren were at each other and my stove quit working. I am praying for a better day tomorrow

  • clojo9372

    Today it was POURING just like yesterday, but I didn’t mind. At least the power didn’t go! LOL. It was a good day. 🙂


    Ugh! I’ve caught a cold from all the dashing around in the rain I’ve been doing lately. I just made myself some homemade veggie soup (in JUNE, for heaven’s sake)!

  • michele soyer

    today is not only the solstice but a full moon….what could that probably vibration wise bring to the day… well it is pouring here right now and I am trying to think sun!

  • barbg

    My day is going great today. My kids & I went to Bubba’s Grill here in Indianapolis and enjoyed a delcious meal. The service was even great! I love that they 28 TV’s going at one time. It was pretty awesome. The Bacon Cheeseburgers are excellent.

  • Linda Manns Linneman

    I am having a wonderful day celebrating Fathers Day with my son and grandchildren. Hope you enjoy your day


    Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers and grandfathers etc. out there, especially those who for whatever reason can’t be with us today.

  • michele soyer

    Experiencing a power outage right now.. There was a torrential downpour with thunder then wind….Well doing my best to make this Fathers Day a good day anyway!

  • clojo9372

    Had another blackout today. It’s a shame because it’s Father’s Day… but we made the best of it. I wish a Happy Father’s Day to all the dads who read the blog! 🙂


    It’s the summer blessing of the graves and remembrance service in the graveyard on Father’s Day so I popped up to make sure Dad’s grave was clean and weed-free!

  • Linda Manns Linneman

    My day is starting out great. I had my cup of coffee. The grandchildren are getting ready to go to Busch Gardens. The sun is shining.

  • michele soyer

    Planned to have a BBQ today and feel so lucky that we have the grill under the carport so rain or shine it goes on for my husband….

  • Diane Richards

    It’s Friday! Weekend is finally here. Looking forward to seeing an old friend at a concert on Saturday and escaping for an over nigh trip in the Sierras 🙂

    Feeling Blessed!

    Wishing everyone a great Father’s Day Weekend!

  • clojo9372

    Today started out nice but it didn’t last that way unfortunately. I am hoping to have a better day tomorrow. 🙂

  • Sarah L

    Good swim class, but small. Then had lunch at Smashburger. Then went to Kohls to spend the $10 they sent me on a new pair of slippers. Had to pay $2.71 for them. (Dearfoams half off)

  • ginette4

    Had a great day today..breakfast with Mom and sister, went to the market then spent the afternoon with daughter went to the spa and got manicures 🙂

  • Ann

    Fed up (still, and always) with having very literally no money. I think most people couldn’t imagine what that’s like… Anyway, I’m watching a little rabbit in my neighbor’s yard, through the window. It’s really cute.


    Finally managed to get the bedding washed & dry after all the storms this week. Then spent some time tidying up the wind-swept gardens.

  • michele soyer

    Today is a rather painful sad day.. I just got news that a friend’s daughter at the age of 32 passed away… We lost our son at the age of 38 so I empathize with her so much….

  • Ann

    Today had its ups and downs. I found a box of really nice clothes in a box labeled “Donate/Sell.” They used to be WAY too small for me, but now they fit! Finally, I have a few items of clothing that actually fit! …On the “minus” side, yesterday my mother said that I look “like a ghost.” Made me kind of… sad.

  • Sarah L

    Had to get up WAY too early. But it was for a good thing: got my infusion after missing it for 2 weeks due to the cold I had.

  • ginette4

    Went to my specialist today..more test to be done but on a happier note my daughter and son and law might be expecting..it’s a great day!


    I hardly slept last night because of the thunder & really heavy rain so today I’m tired and cranky and afraid to open my mouth in case I bite someone’s head off!

  • clojo9372

    Today is a good day! I have the house all to myself. I did some yoga which gave my muscles a much needed break from training and jumping. I am enjoying the rest of my day! 🙂

  • michele soyer

    Getting ready to hit the stores today.. Sams Club then other grocery stores then the Mall.. I do enjoy this once a month shopping trip!

  • Mai T.

    The shoes I ordered from Amazon were across the globe shipped even faster than shoes I buy domestically. It’s funny how logistics work sometimes.

  • Ann

    I went to give you some Klout, and got a fun little message letting me know that I’m some kind of expert on Target.
    I just busted out laughing.
    Actually it is a bit sad… Off and on throughout today, I thought about how I’d like to just go to Target like any other person and simply BUY some crap. But nope! No dinero. Having no money, literally NO MONEY, is… I can’t even begin to explain how horrifying, the experience.
    But, I’m a Target expert. Cool.

  • Kristen

    Sorry to say my day is not going great so far….have been sick and seem to be getting worse instead of better….bah! 🙂 (still in mostly good spirits though!)


    It’s still raining cats & dogs over here in my little corner of Ireland. The ‘sunny south-east’ – ha! However, that means I can concentrate on getting some housework (ugh) done instead of pottering about in the garden (sigh!).

  • clojo9372

    I am feeling much better than I did yesterday or Sunday. My throat is still a little sore but nowhere near as bad as it was. I am gonna catch up on the work I didn’t finish yesterday.

  • michele soyer

    Sitting here with my coffee trying to figure out what to get my husband for fathers day….what does one get the man who has everything??? A gift card of course….

  • Mai T.

    The embassy does not accept the worldwide insurance I bought, it demands the insurance to say only the specific area my mom is traveling to. What a ridiculous thing to demand!

  • Ann

    This morning, last-minute canceled a Dr. appt. that had been scheduled over a month ago due to being too sick. I felt so bad and guilty about canceling, in large part because I myself was once a practitioner, and HATED– well, what I hated was no-shows. And this is apples and oranges.
    I think I might be really sick, like sick-sick. Former colleague of mine, who are all now doctors of various types, have suggested that it might be [various bad things]. My father’s mother passed away when she was a couple years younger than I am now.

  • Sarah L

    Just a lovely quiet day at home. FedEx brought me a prize I’d won with cheese, cutting board, apron and a stuffed cow.

  • clojo9372

    I have a sore throat today. Came out of nowhere! And now I have a headache. I think I must be coming down with something. Other than that, it’s A VERY good day and I am happy. 🙂


    We’ve had monsoon-like rain & thunderstorms all day so my plans to go out to buy myself a new bed were scuppered. A canoe might come in handy though if it doesn’t let up soon!

  • michele soyer

    Just thinking about my childhood and how great it was… growing up an olny child I never ever felt lonely..Happy memories….

  • Ann

    More of the same over here. I think. …I’ve been so down lately. Have I? …Thinking about my life, and how everything fell apart– and so horribly and entirely, too. I can’t even begin to explain. …And once again, an awareness that This Is The Internet.
    It’s been a terrible day. Also, I feel like my entire GI system (stomach, etc.) is turning inside out. I’m just… hungry. And sick.
    I shouldn’t post this.

  • Tamra Phelps

    My youngest nephew spent the day here. He had a new game, so I spent the day playing BRYNK with him. It really thrills him when he beats me, lol.

  • clojo9372

    I had a better day today than yesterday. Did my cardio and worked on my abs. I feel better about myself today and I’ve lost a few pounds! I still have more weight to take off but I feel like I’ve made some progress!!! 🙂

  • ginette4

    Day is not going so well..so nauseous today, need to slow down or I’m going to get sick..hate not being healthy..hope your day is going better than mine.

  • Cathy French

    Today I feel like my self again. After the funeral and finding out about the will and me being omitted from it, sigh, I at least know what day it is without having to look at the calendar.

  • michele soyer

    Well the sun is shining and all is well in my world.. I have to tackle the closets today we shall see how many I get done before I get fed up.. it is all good though..

  • Ann

    This day just flew by, as too many of them do. Stress, worry, anguish, sadness, helplessness, hopelessness, and a general “what in the world am I going to do?!” about finances dominated/controlled much of my day/thoughts; this is unfortunately very, very typical.


      Pardon my intrusion Ann. I just wanted to let you know that you’re not alone. So many of us feel the same helplessness and anxiety, but you know what? You got through yesterday and many days like it. It takes strength to do that. Take care of yourself.

  • ginette4

    Tired today..overdid it yesterday and today I’m paying for it..hopefully I can still get my bike ride in today


    Mum decided she was well enough to play the organ in Church for the first time in 8 weeks. The choir gave her a beautiful bouquet, so thoughtful of them.

  • michele soyer

    Another rainy Sunday. That is fine by me.. After breakfast and the papers I plan on relaxing today and enjoying the rain and the day!

  • Mai T.

    Had again a talk with friends til 3AM and it was so much fun! It’s so depressing to think about the next working week of hell.

  • Ann

    I HATE SUMMER. I cannot stand the heat, the sun, the humidity, the lack of humidity, any lack of breeze, bugs, everything. Hate it, hate it, hate it. It makes me so flippin’ irritable. I hate it. Hate it. Whine whine whine. Waaaaaahhh. I have really, really fair skin! I turn pink like THAT!
    Actually, I’m not really in all that bad of a mood. Despite everything, hah.
    (Hi, Ms. Connie! Happy weekend! 🙂 )


    I made lots of smoothies & froze some – yummy! Then walked up to Dad’s grave & gave it a bit of a tidy and put fresh flowers on it.

  • Nancy

    They have many great bags to choose from. This is one of my favorites in their line up: Simple Rivets Messenger Handbag Shoulder Bag Ladies Tote Cross body Bags in Brown.

  • Nancy

    My Saturday is going great. I hope yours is fun as well. It is going to be very hot here today – all the way into the 90’s!

  • michele soyer

    Have my 3rd load of laundry going making breakfast t then I plan on sewing some swag curtains for the archway between the kitchen and the dining room.. After that i looked at the garage area and decided I had better do something about that before I lose my mind….

  • clojo9372

    It’s the weekend! I do a 45 minute cardio kickbox routine and then I wanna do some light cleaning maintenance and then I want to enjoy the rest of my Saturday! 🙂

  • Sarah L

    Great swim class today with 2 new people. King Soopers has my Sobe on sale this week for .88 cents a bottle. Bought 12.

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s been a hot day here & tomorrow is going to be worse…in the mid 90s. Geeze, I think I might start to miss those January snow days, lol.


    What to do? What to do? Last night the kitten arrived home with a rabbit (dead) and took it up a tree in the front garden where he left it! I’m sitting here looking out at it and I can’t find anything long enough to reach it & I’m not going up a ladder with my dodgy knee. Perhaps the crows will discover it & deal with the problem for me!

  • michele soyer

    Well today I have decided to change my kitchen curtains and canistersall that stuff to bring a little of summer into my cooking space…

  • clojo9372

    I feel a little better today than I did yesterday. Gonna do a 55 minute cardio kickbox workout and then work. TGIF!

  • Mai T.

    Friday is here and it’s freaking cold at the moment. Some places in the north even have snow. What an enjoyable summer!

  • Noelle Carroll

    Had a good day, went for a walk with the kids in their wagon, beautiful day with the sun shining and nice breeze

  • Terri Irvin

    Packing up to go to the beach with the grandchildren in a hour and popped in to say hi!
    I am bringing lots of sand toys and their lunches for a day of fun. And yes..lots of sunscreen.

  • michele soyer

    Spent the morning in the kitchen.. I baked breads and scones and a applesauce cake…now I plan on making a shepards pie for dinner and relax until later on.. A good productive day!


    I popped into a local farmers’ market & picked up lots of strawberries, raspberries, blackberries etc. really cheaply. I’ll make some smoothies and freeze some purée for ice lollies (popsicles)!

  • Heather E

    I’m sleepy, so today is going a bit too slowly for my liking! But, I did a little cleaning at my apartment last night, so I am feeling pretty good about that! 🙂

  • clojo9372

    I am gonna take it easy today. I have a lot of aches and pains in my joints so I am just gonna do some light yoga and then do my work. 🙂

  • Mai T.

    I ran 5km yesterday for 32 minutes in a competition. Wind and rain were there, too. It was exhausting but I made it!

  • Noelle Carroll

    Had a wonderful day. Weather was in the mid 60s so the kids played outside and I made meatloaf for dinner.

  • clojo9372

    Today was a very productive day! I got a lot of cleaning done and was able to help my dad with a project he was working on. I also finished the last two episodes of Bates Motel. Very surprised with the creative direction it went in!

  • Kristen

    So far my day is going nicely….nice weather…good breakfast…figuring out how to spend the rest of the day…fun or productive? 🙂


    Last night my back was so bad that I got rid of my mattress & put a thick quilt on the boards I have underneath – bliss! So that’s my mind made up – no more mattresses for me!

  • michele soyer

    I have the laundry going and there are probably 3 more loads to go.. Where do I get all this laundry from? Then I think I will clean the top of the frig and the hanging pot rack…I plan on having a positive happy day…


    Today made me smile when our middle daughter called to see if she could come over and biked over here all day with me. awww.

  • Mai T.

    Today, we finally reserved our train tickets to a day trip to the amusement park in 2 weeks. Can’t wait to get there and have fun!

  • Linda Manns Linneman

    I have had a great day. Tropical storm Collin has finally moved off. The grass looks very green from all the rain. I hope you had a good one also.

  • Noelle Carroll

    Having a good day, just put the baby down for a nap. She is getting her top two teeth in, so its been cry city here, but my 4 year old sure makes my day bright!

  • clojo9372

    I didn’t sleep very well last night and I had a bit of a headache…. Finished my work. I will have dinner and then take a snooze.

  • Kristen

    Good day….recycling and voting….now spending some time online….looking forward to a nice lunch….then maybe some grocery shopping….

  • Ann

    [Still] feeling awful; it’s become a lot more physical now. Sick sick sick. I truly can’t remember the last time that I could say I felt well, or maybe even “decent.” And the STRESS, making all of that so much worse.

  • Cathy French

    Today I’m biding time until I have to go to my dr appointment. Happier today than yesterday which is a plus.


    UGH! The farmers are now spreading slurry on their fields (for the uninitiated, slurry is animal poo) so we can’t even open the windows. Luckily rain is forecast – not often we say that in Ireland!

  • michele soyer

    Rainy again.. I think I might beg to see the sun.. Day is going well and I think I will get some well needed baking done today and clean around the high parts of the kitchen..

  • Mai T.

    My PMS is here and the run is tomorrow. I hate this. Sometimes I really wish I was a boy. A girl’s life is tough.

  • Edmond

    Good Golly Miss Molly , just reading some books. Not done much. . Wow, prize $50 gc is fab. & splendid. 2 fingers snap. It is tight, fly & off the chain. Thank you for the awesomeness, the contest, and generosity. 🙂 Pick me, pick me! Dear Santa: I’ve been nice. My X-Mas wish this year is to win this contest. Starving artist here desperately needs the gc to shop and eat. A life changing exp.

  • Noelle Carroll

    Having a great day! My niece is here, she and my kids played all day, so that was fun. My 11 month old daughter is walking so well now its amazing! My kids birthdays’ are right around the corner, so this is a very exciting month!

  • Ann

    I feel… like absolute hell. Very much aware that this isn’t my personal diary and that this is The! Internet!, I’ll go against character and just say… Things are bad. Bad-bad.

  • Cathy French

    Still playing catch up from yesterday. With the funeral last week seems I haven’t gotten anything done.


      Just take your time Cathy. This isn’t a race to see who can get back to ‘normality’ the quickest. Take as long as you need.

  • amber lee kolb

    My day is going pretty good!! I am just about to leave work and go home and plan my grocery list. I need to get thrifty because my job is ending at the end of the month.


    It’s a holiday over here in Ireland so I haven’t even bothered to get dressed yet! I’ve had a back ache since mowing the lawn & intend to just soak in the bath & take it easy.

  • michele soyer

    Happy Monday.. it is pouring outside and the thought of having to leave the house is not pleasant, so I believe I will put things off until tomorrow.. Feeling great though the weather is awful…

  • Mai T.

    It’s a waiting week for me since I’m expecting the result of my mom’s application. I hope she’ll get it so I can have a fun summer vacation with her.

  • Ann

    MS. CONNIE! Seriously, I have not said hi to you in so so long. I want to know how YOU are! (I literally just paused a moment.)
    BRIEFLY (ha…)…
    I didn’t go to bed last night: went grocery shopping for a few hours (3+? ugh) in the middle of the night. We had NO FOOD. I had been eating PB&J on just one slice of bread, and then we ran out of J. Then I’d have PB and bread. Then, alternating between PB and bread. Ugghhhhh. I hate… I… I hate… being poor. I wasn’t supposed to be… poor. (Who is?) …Goddamn. Just, damn.
    (Sorry for swears.)
    Hope you’re doing well. I’ve missed it around here.

    • Ann

      Oh, no! It’s happening again. I’m not able to log in to the entry form. (That’s why I was out last month.)
      I think that posting that TMI comment (just above) was the last thing I had to do here for today. After submitting it, I had to re- log in to the entry form… And now I can’t. I’m just shut out. I’ve tried refreshing the page, starting a new tab… I’ll keep trying. 🙁

      • Ann

        I got it to work on my phone. Whew… I’m glad to have a phone again; I didn’t have one for eight weeks. 🙁 But it’s all good now, I think. Have a good night!

  • Liberty

    Just got off night shift. Slept for a couple of hours. My grandson come and checked on me early this morning. So being I got up I made him waffles. We had a great day!!!


    I didn’t do a heck of a lot today but what I did do took HOURS! The ride-on mower is still waiting for a spare part so I decided to use our old rotary one. We have almost 2 acres of lawn! Am I mad? What was I thinking?

  • Melissa Storms

    I am feeling lucky this morning because my cat was waiting at the door to be let in. She somehow managed to get out of the house by pulling out the guards around the air conditioner. There are lots of coyotes here and I never let her out at night. We will be taking care of her escape route today.

  • michele soyer

    Sunday yes!… having breakfast with ,my daughter.. husband out in the garden.. happy to relax and read and listen to music today.. no housework1

  • Debra Guillen

    So far my day has been good. Woke up, fed cat, made coffee and am sitting here enjoying my morning coffee and reading my email and blogs.

  • clojo9372

    Today is Sunday and that is my fun day! I plan to take it easy, eat some good food and binge watch the latest season of Bates Motel! 🙂

  • Mai T.

    We slept til noon today and half a day off is gone. What a waste! But it was a good sleep. Now with good food & movies!

  • Daniela Plume

    Lovely day… hubby & I went for a drive to support a friend playing live music, enjoyed ice cream in the sunset.

  • ginette4

    Had a pretty good day today..daughter helped me get the whole house clean..looks amazing and I feel so good now

  • clojo9372

    I did 55 minutes of kickboxing cardio and I was wiped after that. LOL! We are having chicken burgers for dinner today, which is one of my favorite meals. So far, today is a good day! 🙂


    The farmers all around us are busy cutting grass in the fields till 2 in the morning so I didn’t get a whole lot of sleep ‘cos of the noise & sneezing. But it’s a holiday weekend here in Ireland so I’ve just had pizza for breakfast!

  • michele soyer

    Beautiful sunny day! This kind of weather makes you want to go outsdie and enjoy the beauty of the day.. I feel positive and happy….

  • MPaula

    My bae pleased me first thing this morning by being awesome. I ate leftover homemade curry with leftover restaurant-cooked shrimp. The restaurant was new to me and served me the most excellently spiced (2 out of 3 on heat level) dish. I could probably eat their most spiced dish but I was pleased with what was presented. So friends 2 out of 2, restaurants 1 out of 1.

  • ginette4

    From the site I would love to have the Women Ladies Elegant Pure Color PU Leather Shoulder Bags Crossbody Bags Handbags

  • Kristen

    I might get the Jeep Rich® Men’s Spring Outdoor Windproof Jacket Lapel Solid Color Casual Business Cotton Coat at NewChic.

  • Julie Eckert

    I woke up this morning with two sick babies, running a fever, so it hasn’t started off grand but I know it will get better.

  • michele soyer

    how can it be Friday already? Where has this week gone? Probably becasue Monday was a holiday.. well the weekend is here again..


    More glorious sunshine so I’ve been washing blankets & quilts then putting them away for the summer. Other than that, not a whole lot happening.

  • clojo9372

    I am very tired today for some reason. I am having a hard time getting myself moving. TGIF!!! I am looking forward to the weekend! 🙂


    I’ve had a fairly good day. I was happy that I didn’t feel tired and that I was extra productive today. 🙂 The sweet emails exchanged with my husband whenever he had a little break or lunch break at work made my day.

  • Dawn Monzu

    Pretty good day! I was having a terrible morning, but my son is amazing! He always makes me smile. He saved the day! I am having a GREAT night because of him. God bless everyone!

  • Linda Manns Linneman

    My day was great. The sun was shining today. I was able to get some housework done and also work on my giveaways before the grandkids came home from school. I hope you had a great day too

  • Sarah Phillips

    My day is going fine so far. I’ve worked out, painted, and am about to do some reading. It’s pouring rain outside now, so I’m enjoying hearing the storm!

  • Daryl Walsh

    What a beautiful day,I think I will spend it with my girl or sleep, tough choice. She would kill me if she saw this lol

  • clojo9372

    Today is a beautiful day. I have a lot of work to catch up on because I couldn’t do a lot of it yesterday because of yes… another power outage. It’s ridiculous to say the least. 🙁

  • michele soyer

    the sun is out today so that is great after all the rain…Today is my aunts birthday.. she is 96 so I better get on the phone quickly….

  • Mai T.

    The last presentation of my project will be done today and after that, no more hassle. I hope things go well so I can have a peaceful weekend.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m not completely sure if you want the NewChic item comment here or on the NewChic post, so I’ll just do both, lol. My favorite is the Women PU Leather Travel Rucksack Backpack in yellow (which really looks like a dark caramel color to me!)

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today was pretty nice (except for one pop up storm, but it passed quickly.) It was ‘pay the bills’ day, so that was painful, lol. One of my nephews had a baseball game, so his little brother came over here to stay (he didn’t want to go.) Now it’s starting to thunder & lightning again…

  • Dawn Monzu

    My day is going pretty darn good. I am looking for a job, and I’m trying to get hired by Uber…but it is a little more of a process than I thought it would be. Anyway! I am excited because I am going camping Friday, and I haven’t been camping in at least 15 years! I hope I remember how to put up my tent! haha God bless everyone!

  • Linda Manns Linneman

    I am doing wonderful today. When I pulled into my subdivision in the country this day I saw a beautiful deer wandering around. They are so pretty. Hope you are having a great day too.

  • Robin Abrams

    My day is going great so far. It is a beautiful morning. Getting some yard work done to make everything look great

  • Cathy French

    Today I am just a mess. My father passed and the showing is tonight followed by the funeral with military honors tomorrow. Long week

  • Kathy Davis

    I have had better days (weeks). I am stuck on the couch with back pain while my husband waits on me and I wait on visiting the neurosurgeon in a few days. OUCH! Thanks for asking.


    I had the most scrumptious meal last night: a veggie chow mein. Man, I love noodles! Off to Dublin early tomorrow so basically not doing a whole lot today!

  • clojo9372

    We had another power outage! It happened in the middle of the night. Now I feel kind of lethargic because I didn’t sleep well because of it. It’s time to start my day and I will do my best to get all my work done early so I can take a little nap in the afternoon.

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