Match Your Home Décor To Your Living Situation!

A Marriage Of Aesthetic

A big part of a happy life is revolved around the décor which characterizes your house. You don’t want something loud and angled in a space that’s smooth, soft, and visually “quiet”. Rather, you want paintings, furniture, and color schemes which are will complement such surroundings.

There are a number of reasons for this beyond what the neighbors think. Your own psychological equilibrium will be reflected in the living situation you’ve built around you. A disorganized, hectic mind will be reflected by a disorganized, hectic house. Meanwhile an ordered, coherent, forward-thinking mind will be organized inside and out.

house on the lake

Paintings Of Pictures

One of the best ways to customize your home décor is through, a site which offers photo-to-painting services completed by a real artist who will hand-paint any photo photo you provide in about 3 weeks.

You can choose photographs from your life which reflect some of your greatest memories. These can be of pets, family members, locations, or even—if you want to go avant-garde—of your own paintings. Imagine a painting of a photo of a painting; it’s like a visual representation of Inception!

All kidding aside, you want to design your interior décor in a way that, beyond appearance, is amenable to you. You’re the one that has to live there! Also, you don’t want to work too hard for it. Granted, with all hard work comes profit, and it’s nice to sit back and enjoy the work of your hands. But there is an upper limit.

Be Properly Ambitious

If you choose a project that’s too ambitious, it’s going to cost you a lot of money, it’s going to take a lot of time to apply, and in the end it’ll be both tiring and perhaps even a perpetual irritant. A film was mentioned earlier, here’s another great example: ever seen Water World? The film went over budget, and its creators aren’t enamored of it.

Thankfully, the cast and director of Water World don’t have to live within their film. You do have to live within your house. So if you get a wild hair and design some patchwork argyle art-piece for the foyer, you may find yourself irritated at this decision when you come home after a night of revelry and the crisscrossed lines induce nausea.

One way to maximize home décor is to choose living situations pre-configured for excellence, like those of, who offer “…open floor plans, high ceilings and big windows of city lofts. Dressed up in modern architecture…it’s got all the looks while offering a beautiful, relaxed living experience.”

Exterior Surroundings And Their Influence

One last thing to consider when you’re designing the interior of your home is location. It’s not just about how the inside of your house looks compared to the architecture, you want a home whose interior matches the surrounding geography of the region. You’ve never seen a beach house without seashell decorations, right?

It’s the same with mountain houses, tropical homes, metropolitan designs which bear that “Spartan” look which is so utilitarian, and the list goes on. So part of your interior design will have to do with your exterior situation.

Should you find yourself in tropical climes, Kapilina Apartments offer an unparalleled living experience. Apartments like this will come with previously-designed interior décor from which you can build an individualized solution.

This is by no means the only way to design the inside of your house, but it could be a way worth pursuing. Ultimately, you’ve got to make your own choices—so choose carefully!

Author Bio

Kevin Bennett

Kevin Bennett is a super-connector with who helps businesses with building their audience online through outreach, partnerships, and networking. Kevin frequently writes about the latest advancements in the SaaS world and digital marketing.




  • Tori Norris

    I completely agree with everything inside being chaos and uncomfortable if it is disorganized and messy. I have 5 little ones, and worse…a husband so it’s a nonstop thing just trying to keep my house clean.

  • Holly

    I agree with this post so much, sometimes people just throw things into a space because it’s trendy or people they know have it. They don’t always think about the type of space they are putting it in.

    Great post!

  • Terri S.

    I love to take photos of the beautiful scenery here in upstate NY. It would be great to have instapainting do an oil painting of one of my photos of the trees in autumn when they are at their peak of colors. My home decor changes with the seasons and basically involves changing curtains, throw pillows, and bedspreads. Also, a new color of paint on my living room walls gave the room a new look.

  • Rosie

    This is good information. I was just looking up home decor styles, and mine is French country, at least that is what I’ve been working towards…!!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I can’t abide ‘busy’ decor! You know what I mean, flowery curtains, flowery wallpaper & furniture coverings – just gives me a headache! Give me plain white walls & artwork with lots of plants & bookshelves and I’m happy!

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