It’s A New Year!
Well, HECK! As of May 2023, Purple Trail is no longer in business. Okay, okay don’t panic!! You didn’t sleep through the holidays, I am just a tad early. However, y’all know I hate to wait for the last minute for the important stuff! Like decorating for Halloween *did that in September. Decorating for Christmas *November 1st (unless I can sneak the tree up when The Husband makes the weekly trip to the dump! I would have to work fast! However, I do believe that I am up for the challenge!) Again, you should see inside my brain. (SHINY!! SQUIRELL!!) Let’s get back to the whole ‘It’s a New Year’…
Homemakers Friend Daily Planner Review!
Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. I have an awesome planner to share with you today. This is the Daily Planner from Homemakers Friend. It’s so awesome, I don’t even know where to start! First, it fits in my purse. Even my smaller cross-body bag! That’s rare. Wait, it’s ‘pretty’ should have been first! I love a pretty calendar. The paper is a light lavender color. The borders and titles are in a darker shade of lavender. Beautiful swirled fonts. There are rounded tabs for year, month, week, tasks, projects and events, information, and shopping lists!!! This is a Spiral bound planner that is 5.75″ x 8.75″…