• Giveaway March

    $50 Your Way Giveaway March 2024!

    Hello Little Peanuts!! Happy March Giveaway! Did February zip by fast or is it just me?? We’ve had a lot of new visitors here on Peanut Butter and Whine. So, let me introduce myself. I’m Connie, The Head Peanut. If your interested I recently wrote a blog post explaining how this blog started back in 2009, if you are interested. I host this monthly giveaway every single month. You get to choose the way you want your prize. Want Venmo? PayPal? Zelle? A Gift Card? You get to choose. Every month I start my giveaway with my monthly update. It’s like my little gossip UPDATE corner. (YES, I do crack…

  • $50 Your Way Giveaway

    Hello April!! #Giveaway Win $50 Your Way! April 2021

    Hello Peanuts!! Who else is ready for spring!? I’m absolutely ready to say goodbye to the snow. Mostly I am ready to say goodbye to the season of the mud. Seriously, the road is so bad my 4 wheel drive car can’t drive through it. Now, I love my mountain life, don’t get me wrong. I may not want to go anywhere but knowing I CAN’T, that makes me nuts. (I know, spoiled!) Besides the mud we have flowers starting to pop up. My tomato, blueberries and house plants are going NUTS!! I’m so HAPPY!! My only other ‘not boring’ news was the freak wind storm we had a couple…

  • my trail cam pictures

    Finally, Trail Cam Friday AGAIN!!

    It’s been a long time since I have posted my Trail Cam Friday. But, 2 of the cameras have fresh batteries and are ready to go. Looks like this year we’ve got lots of boys!! Spring I’m hoping they drop those sheds so I CAN find them. I’m calling dibs. RIGHT NOW. Set Up A Trail Cam EVERYWHERE!   Aren’t these boys pretty?!?! When To Hunt For Sheds? Bucks shed their antlers annually in late winter, usually from January through March, but the exact timing can vary depending on a number of factors: Photoperiod As days get longer after the winter solstice, testosterone levels decrease, which causes the connection tissue in…

  • Trail Cam Friday August 21, 2020

    Yes, Trail Cam Friday is a little late. I forgot to grab the sticks out of the cameras last night…. and well, you’ve seen my YARD!! I’m not going out there in the dark. Nope, nope.  I’m brave from the deck. I love getting my bears pictures but meet face to face? Naaaaaaaaa not so much!! 1st camera I want you to notice that the camera lens has been cleaned! How cute is this fawn??!?! 2nd Camera A VERY GOOD REASON not to go out at night to get the sticks out of the cameras!! ACKKKk!! Not a lot of great shots. But, it’s been super hot out side. Everyone…

  • My trail cam pictures

    Trail Cam Friday July 9th

    I just have to laugh! THIS time I had a few animals but have thousands, YES, thousands of leaf pictures!! Every time the wind blew, this leaf moved, the camera took a picture. Yes, that’s 18 folders each with 999 pictures. I would say 98% of the pictures are of that leaf. It’s like the camera and Mother Nature were so proud of their Decorating With Earth Tones that they both wanted tons of pictures. So, pretty leaf right!?!? Ackkkkkkkkkk!!  Moving camera tonight. We did have a few deer, bunnies and turkeys swing by. No bears. At least I don’t believe there were bears, could be some behind that leaf.…

  • Trail Cam Friday April 24

    Better late than not at all right?? RIGHT!! This time I took some snap shots of my walk to the trail cams so I could show you where I have them stashed. I did that mostly in case I had no interesting pictures. Hedgin’ my bets. It’s a pretty walk. I also snapped a picture so you can see just how well the trail cam blends into the tree. No wonder I loose them so many times. From the trail cam at the end of the driveway. We got a couple of good shots. Nothing really spectacular. Mostly, The Husband walking Bear. Then of course the mad dash when we…