Beware! North Pacific Land Management MY Review
Here I go again with some MAJOR whines. Refresher: last year we hired North Pacific Land Management to help with our property. Our land (11 acres) was very overgrown and needed some thinning. We are always very aware of fire season. I am so paranoid that we could lose everything. We are surrounded by a lot of trees and bushes. Some are dead. Like brown, standing eye sores. North Pacific Land Management came out and explained they would thin out the trees. They would take the trees they cut down and sell them. This is considered their payment. That’s fine. We still were going to be winners. Our existing trees would…
April 7th Photo-A-Day When I Wake Up
Photo-A-Day When I wake up. Prepare to be jealous. I still can’t believe the amazing view we are blessed with. When we lived in California our view was bumper to bumper cars on the street. An apartment complex. A yard with dirt so hard that nothing would grow and a house that seemed to shrink every year. Our new master bedroom is bigger than 4 rooms combined in the Vista house. The area of town we lived in was getting worse and worse by the day. Even with double paned windows the noise outside from stereos, cars and what seemed to be endless parties would make the walls shake. Our…
Gardening! Me?! Yup It’s True!!
I’ve never been one to enjoy gardening. I’ve always called it yard WORK with such a tone of dread. I would much rather do anything; absolutely ANYTHING else. Then Sandpoint Idaho happened to me. Now I have two area’s in the front of the house. Small areas that are so full of blooms and colors that go out a weed and fuss everyday. WITH A SMILE on my face?! What has happened to me?!?! You know my Mom is up in heaven looking down and laughing like crazy. With the help of my girl friends I’ve been able to add names to a few. However, there are several we can’t…
How Do You Make New Friends??
My dear little Peanuts I need your help again. I am 14 days out for the move to Idaho. I’m a big ole pile of emotions. A little nervous (soooooooo lying VERY nervous), a little excited (again…… so lying……VERY excited) and a hefty mix of little dread (NOT lying!). I need help! How do YOU make new friends? As a kid you’re parents move you. You have very little say in the matter. (NO matter what your parents tell you. Sorry kids!) The kids go to school you make new friends. Viola (hopefully) they are happier than ever!! Yes, it takes a little time, but kids are pretty resilient. How…