That’s Not The Monster We Ordered!!

dc96224d-3008-406e-89f0-807d5e83dbb6_zpsjirvarseAnd I’m not talking about your kids! Or your grandkids. See how your mind works???  That’s Not The Monster We Ordered is a book written by Richard Fairgray, Terry Jones and Tara Black. Now you’ll remember Alice and I reviewed Gorillas In Our Midst and My Grandpa Is A Dinosaur a while back and they are both still top favorites for five-year-old Alice. I’ve told you before; the kid has a library that rivals any adults!! Alice loves to read! Okay, Alice loves to be READ TOO. (However, the Kindergarten kid is picking up this reading thing pretty darn quickly!) Every single night Alice gets a bedtime story or 4. This kid would rather hear a story than watch TV. How amazing is that!?

That’s Not The Monster We Ordered is super cute!! The Turner Family just got a monster!! It’s the talk of the town! This monster is so amazing! Everyone on the street is super jealous!! (As I was reading this book to Alice I was thinking ‘this must have been how my Grandparents felt when the lady upstairs bought the first TV in the apartment building’)The entire neighborhood gathers to see the new Monster. The monster, named Slinky does everything from eat grass so no one has to mow the yard (ummmm where can I order my own monster? Please?!) Slinky can skateboard, roar like a lion and do all around cool THINGS!! Slinky even carried all the kids home from school so they didn’t have to spend their bus money! So what do you do? You ask Mom. Who of course says no. Pfftt fine. Ask Dad. Who of course said ‘go ask Mom’.

Mom has dozens of responses why a monster can’t be ordered.

Eventually a monster is ordered (you knew that was coming!); not just any monster!! Nooooo, the family orders the loudest, fastest, time-travelingst, grass eating, weatherproof monster on the whole website.

That's Not The Monster We Ordered book

Except, the monster that shows up isn’t the monster they ordered at all. Their monster likes to pull pranks and paint murals, and when he eats grass, he gets gas! He isn’t a good baker and he smells! Will the family return their defective monster? Or will the monster find a way to win their love?

I love when books have little bits of adult humor; like Kraken Me Up. The monsters in the book are cute, adorable and not at all scary. I don’t think that the monsters would scare even the youngest kids.

Absolutely fun book! Alice and I highly recommend this one!!


I can’t imagine ever whining about a book that Alice and I can share. One that makes her laugh? Even better!! One that makes her say “Read it again” is 100% a keeper!!

You can find That’s Not The Monster We Ordered on Sky Pony Press, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other fine bookstores.

Publisher: Sky Pony Press
Author & Illustrators: Richard Fairgray, Terry Jones, Tara Black
Publication Date: 9-6-2016
Number of Pages: 32 Pages
Book Type: Hardcover
Size: 10″ by 12″

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