Vive Pedal Exerciser Review & Coupon Code!!

I was so excited about receiving this Vive Pedal Exerciser to review. My Mom (ya know the lady with the hateful Cat!) has a lot of problems with her legs and with poor circulation. We’ve been shopping for a pedal exerciser but neither of us found anything even remotely worth looking into. Either they were too big and bulky or too flimsy. Wait till you see the Vive!imageThere are so many things to love about this machine!! Starting with packaging. The Vive arrived well packaged in dense foam. Assembly. Y’all know me, I am assembly challenged in most cases. I usually just hand everything to The Husband and walk away. I actually put this together in under 15 minutes!! YES! I am extremely happy with myself.


Everything comes wrapped so that your machine is pristine when you assemble it. Added bonus! ALL of the tools you need to assemble this bike is included!! I was really thrilled with that!!

imageRubber feet keep the machine from sliding on the floor. We did find that it still slides on our tile flooring. But, I think that can be fixed with a small area rug and griper material under that when she wants to exercise inside. The patio where Mom exercises is concrete and the machine stays put.

imageThe machine has a very smooth, quiet operation. You can get your workout in and not disturb anyone around you. Not even the Hummingbirds that Mom watches while she is getting her workout.

Weighing in at 13 pounds my Mom can move this pedal exerciser from indoors to outdoors easily!!  The Vive Pedal Exerciser will easily fit under a desk if you were to use this at work. The small compact size also means that it stores easily in a closet or cabinet.
There are straps on the pedals to keep your feet in place. Designed to be used by both hands and feet, simply place the exerciser on a flat surface, adjust the resistance, and pedal away. Your workout results display on a large LCD screen, letting you know the distance covered, your RPM, speed, time, and number of calories burned.

The pedals are bi-directional, work all those leg muscles. The exerciser can also be placed on a table so you could work your arm muscles. Mom has even commented that her tush is feeling firmer! I haven’t pinched it to see. I will report back!

My Mom takes her Vive out to the patio for her workout. Fresh air and exercise. She has been on the Vive everyday since it arrived and she is thrilled with the difference that they pedal exerciser has made. She has these lumps on her legs, along with a deep purple color. Check out the difference just a couple of weeks has made. I wish I would have taken an up close picture so you could truly see the amazing difference.

vive Pedal Excerciser


Not a single one. Mom loves this exerciser. Her legs look amazingly better! I can’t say enough good things about this amazing lightweight, quiet, low impact machine!! If that wasn’t enough, the Vive Pedal Exerciser is also protected by a one-year warranty.

The Vive pedal exerciser lets you get a quality, low-impact workout in no matter where you are – use it at home, under the desk at work, or anywhere in between!img_0614
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