When Adding Technology to Your Home, Don’t Forget the Master Bedroom

When Adding Technology to Your Home, Don’t Forget the Master Bedroom

Over the past 10 years or so, people have been in the process of adding more and more technology to their homes. The focus has been disproportionately on living rooms. We get it. The living room is very important. But it is not the room you spend most of your waking hours. No, it’s not the bathroom either, no matter how it might seem at times.

At least eight out of every 24 hours, you are in bed, or at least in the room where the bed happens to be. At first blush, you might think that the bedroom is a good place to unplug from technology. But the current generation of techies never really unplug. The tech just goes into sleep mode from time to time. Rather than fighting technology in the room where you spend most of your life, here are some ways to embrace it:

Watch TV in Bed

People have been watching TV in bed for a very long time. There is no reason why you shouldn’t do it too. Technology has made it easier than ever, and a lot more interesting. With the newer generation of set-top boxes you can continue a show in the bedroom that you started earlier from the living room. Bedtime doesn’t have to mean the end of showtime.

Providers like DIRECTV also offer extensive on-demand libraries of TV shows and movies for all ages. Even if you didn’t record your favorite show, there is a good chance you will find it on demand. Check for the best DIRECTV demand deals in your area. If you like to wind down from your day with a good TV program, why not let technology in the bedroom make the experience more convenient?

Mood Lights 2.0

There are some practical uses for bedroom lights, such as sorting your clothes or reading in bed. But in the bedroom, mood lighting is just as important. Sure, the lava lamp is still alive and well. You can still buy them. They are still being made. However, there are better, more current options for mood lighting that go very well in the bedroom.

Brands like Phillips, TCP, Cree, and GE are lighting the way to the future with the best smart lights of 2015. Whether you need something powerful for your vanity mirror, or colorful for your fantasy moonscape, lights that can be controlled with your voice via a smartphone app will make you feel like you are living in the future.

Sleep Tracking

You already know about Sleep Number beds. If you are into that sort of thing, you can now add sleep tracking right into the bed. It is a luxurious option. And like a lot of luxuries, it is also quite expensive. But there are more ways under the moon to track the quantity and quality of your sleep than springing for an $8,000 springless bed.

You can actually do it right from your smart watch, smartphone, or smart accessory that connects to your smartphone. Sleep tracking has always been possible, and it has always required technology. In the past, you would have to go to a special sleep clinic with a special bed. You would have to be physically connected to a lot of high tech sensors, and monitored by sleep specialists. Today, you can get the job done for a few dollars worth of tech, the more expensive of the parts you likely already have.

Screens and Filters

No post on bedroom tech would be complete without a warning. Using screens at night can disrupt your sleep. They say it has to do with the color temperature of the screen. The white balance of most screens tends to be more blue-shifted. That is fine during the day. But the cooler colors disrupt sleep. Apple is addressing this in an upcoming update to iOS for those who use their devices before going to bed. Apple is not alone, nor are they the first.

As with all things, tech responsibly, especially when that tech is in the most important room in the house.


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