• I should get an A+

    I did another Jillian Michael’s DVD today. She kicked my butt again! I can only imagine what she would be like in person! No wonder people on the show dropped weight so consistently and fast!!! Tyler at WellStrong Fitness was right adding an exercise DVD was a great idea. It’s really good for the weekends because Kaki and I don’t walk. My goal is to the dvd at least 4 times a week. I even made great food choices all weekend. Lots of fresh fruit. Salads. No junk food!! ALL weekend!! ALL WEEKEND!! Do you understand just how amazing that IS?!?!? That’s like.. well it’s like… not ME!

  • Week 5

    I’m ready to get back to work now. Kaki and I did our walk. MAN that hill got steep over night!! I didn’t do any extra exercises this last week ………. unless we can count carrying Emma, playing with Emma, swimming with Emma……. changing Emma’s diaper. Wait…. THAT is extra exercise! MAN can that child MOVE!! When your kids are 29, 30 and 32 you forget just how much energy it takes to survive an 11 month old! HOLY MOLY!! If I could have Emma’s energy for 1 day a week I’d never have a weight problem! So I have nothing to report for week 5. I stayed exactly the…

  • Gettin’ me some will power….. soon

    I did good today!!! I had a hamburger at In & Out …wait wait wait…..I can hear you now…. ‘that’s not being good!’ BUT I had it protein style. Which means without the bun. Instead it is wrapped in lettuce. It was really good and really messy! I also shared an order of fries. Which granted was not smart, I actually wasn’t going to have any…… but they smelled sooooooooo good!!!!! I couldn’t resist. My daughter and her family are on their way back home now. So no more excuses…. I have to get back on track to loose the rest of this weight. I don’t think we have anything…

  • Good Day Bad Day

    I feel like I’m always complaining in my blog. UGH!! That has got to stop!!!! AND YET….. here I go again. (Paaaaaleeease like you didn’t see that coming!) It was a GOOD day because for the first time I got to babysit my PERFECT Granddaughter Emma while her Mom & Dad went to a business dinner. (just for the record the only reason this is my first babysitting opportunity is because they don’t live in California… otherwise I would make holding, cuddling and kissing Miss Emma my full time job!!) What an AWESOME night!! Emma is such a good natured baby!! No crying. No fussing. I held her almost the…