• Fine….. whatEVER!!

    Okay sooooo I have to post that DH now has the high score in Wii bowling…… but he cheated!! He taught the dog to lay in front of ME when it’s my turn to bowl. That’s cheating….. besides…… DH bowls with a PINK bowling ball! SO HA!!! (I am NOT a spoil sport!! I do NOT know where you got THATidea!! Sheeesh!!)

  • A duh moment…..

    You might remember that I’ve been putting clothes away for the garage sale. Anything that doesn’t fit GOES!! I’m NOT going to need them ever again…………. but my flip flops?? REALLY!??! I wanted to run to the grocery store tonight (BTW….. spent more time in the produce section than any other!! Even managed to get out with out visiting the ice cream section!! Wait…. what?? I forgot ICE Cream!??!!?) Anyway, went to slip on my favorite pair of flip flops and they were so big I couldn’t keep them on my feet!?!?!? Ahhhhh MAN!!! They were so CUTE too!!! So into the trash the flip flops went. I just never…

  • Goodnight

    It’s official….. I can no longer stay up all night and still function the next day!! I’m thinking of hitting the pillow by 8pm??? OH COME ON!!!!!!!! HOW (and when!?) did this happen?!?! But tired or not I still walked this morning. I can’t say I walked as fast as normal…. but I walked none the less. I even had fruit and yogurt for dinner. I’m SOOOOO responsible!! (wellll about food today anyway!)

  • I’m so GOOD!!

    I was a very good girl today. I walked this morning. Weighted vest and all. I did stomach crunches. AND I ate like a little ANGEL!! Now that the blog is updated with just how WONDERFUL and perfect I was for the day …… don’t NOBODY be watchin’ me now!!

  • Pity party

    I’ve had a bad week. I didn’t exercise like I should have. Actually, I didn’t exercise at all! That is so BAD for me!! And I paid for it to!! No weight loss and I was tired all the time!! (Okay saying it out loud is making me feel worse!!) In my perfect world I would have more energy if I slept in….. chocolate would be one of the 4 basic food groups too. (The big group!! I’m a greedy girl) But in the real world if I walk and sweat I have energy all day??! I sleep in? I drag all day. Shouldn’t I be tired AFTER I sweat…

  • Whew!!!!!!

    I made it ALLLLLLL day without breaking ANYTHING!!! So I think I’ll go to bed early just to be on the safe side! Oh and thank you for keeping your fingers crossed about the car. The coolant thermostat went out and needed replaced. Not overly expensive…. but I really can’t afford to break anything else. (Good thing payday is soon!!)