• There went that day off…..

    I woke up this morning with every intention of conquering my long list of ’things to do’. Playing with my Blackberry was NOT on it. Reading magazines………. nope not on the list. Yet, it’s all I did. Ohhh wait! I put a load of laundry in the washer!! I was REALLY good diet wise. Oh don’t be too impressed it’s only because I was too lazy to get dressed and go buy desperately needed groceries. But, all in all it was a great day off. I’m all relaxed and ready to go back to work tomorrow…. relaxed and hungry!!

  • Week 20

    Here it is my weekly blah blah blah post…….. I lost a whole big whopping half pound. Okay how fair is THIS?!?!?! I was sick this week. I hardly ate (Okay, I know you’re thinking ’what about that Taco Bell trip just a few days ago??’ well, I … ummm I’m ignoring you! Right now I’m doing my WHOA is ME speech!!) Really nothing sounded good, nothing settled in my stomach either, you would think my body would at least do me the courtesy of dropping ohhhhh say 6.5 pounds??! But nooooooooooooo. Course, I haven’t walked with Kaki since last Friday. Never did get that jump rope out. I guess…

  • Yea…. I know

    HOLY MOLY!! I’m so glad I am feeling better because today was one of the busiest days I’ve had in a while. Course I was still playing catch-up from Monday so that didn’t help. Last night, I took some Tylenol Cold and Flu Nighttime. WOOOOHOOOO I slept like a rock all night and then some this morning…. so yes I was late for work. (Be thankFUL you weren’t on the 78 this morning and if you were…. well, I’m sorry!! SOOO SORRY!!) So my weigh in this morning didn’t happen. The walk didn’t happen. The jump-rope (WHO’’s stupid idea was it to mention I even OWN the jump-rope in the…