• One big UGH!!!

    The last day of vacation makes me sad.  I don’t wannnnnnnnna go back to the real world!!!  The real world means getting up early, dieting, exercising and going to work.  I DON’T WANNNNNNNAAAA!!!!!!  I would rather see how the other half live… you know the one’s?  You DO?!?!  Could you introduce ME?!?!?

  • Yup got ’emmmm

    Well, re-reading last nights blog it’s apparent I did NOT make sense!  MAN I was tired!!  Today???  Today I have cankels.  You know… when you have no difference in size from your calf to your feet.  So now I’m off to soak my feet cankles.  Remember… if you ever need help moving?  Do NOT CALL ME!!  I’m busy that weekend!

  • auggggggggg

    OHMYGOSH if can managed to say good night and sound coherant I’ll be a happy girl.  I need sleep and maybe some more even… Night all.