Get your sea legs for this one!
The video is “One False Move – Deadly Crossings” (Just in case the video doesn’t start automatically) Captain Curtis Nehring is one of my favorite patients in our office. This video is about his job. Curt always comes in with a smile on his face, I had nooooo idea his job was this dangerous! Talk about a stressful job!! WOWOWOWOW!! Curt is one of only 14 allowed to pilot the large cargo ships through the Columbia River. The video alone almost made me sea sick. HOLY MOLY!!!
True meaning of dog sleeding!
This ALMOST makes me want to live in the snow again. But it definitely makes me want to get Miss Gracie a play mate!
Happy Anniversary to US!!
25 years ago today all I wanted was someone to go get my Mom and her car keys because I had sooooooooooo changed my mind about getting married!! But here I sit 25 years later wondering where that many years could have gone?! DH might just be in trouble AGAIN!! I think it’s his fault these last 25 years have flown by in a flash!!! I love you Randy. I can’t imagine my life without you.
Anyone want to go hiking with me?!
Ya just gotta love COUNTRY!! Okay, well, maybe ya don’t have to but I do think you will enjoy this video. Now if you want to hear the whole song here is the YouTube video link Badonkadonk song
Happy Mothers Day!!!
I had a great Mothers Day! I had breakfast with my Mommy, my daughter Selena, my son Zachary and my dear husband Randy. I got flowers! I also got a gift of a sleep over at the Wild Animal Park in Escondido CA. It’s called the Roar & Snore! I can’t wait!! My family is AMAZING!! (Don’t tell them but I’d of been happy with just breakfast and their company!!) Okay now go watch one of my very favorite You Tube videos!!
OH COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Talk about poking a bear with a stick!! Really!! I want to know HOW OLD are the people in the advertising department at Sunset Magazine!?!??! 12!?!?!?! My question to Sunset Magazine is…do you really want to poke this 51 year old menopausal woman that has been having a million hot flashes a day?!?!? DO YA!?!??!?! REALLY!?!?!? Like this?!?!?!? REALLY!??! I know you are asking yourself WHAT in the world did Sunset Magazine do to this wonderful sweet YOUNG and vital woman?!?! WELLLLLLLLLL…………..THEY SENT ME THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay you can stop laughing now!
I just have to share my pictures that I took of my Orchid plant. I can’t believe I can grow Orchids!! This is my 3rd year of blooms!