Happy Saturday!!
Have a wonderful Saturday everyone!! Time for some BBQ!! And noooo I didn’t buy enough for everyone. BUT if you want to bring some steaks I will share my hotdogs! See ya all tomorrow!
Happy Dancin’….
I am having such a great week! First Matt calls, then Sherry calls, my 3rd favorite Sailor found me on my blog and to top it off Emma called me Nonnie for the very first time today. Of course Emma said “Nonnie” after yesterday’s conversation when I asked Emma (Like I do often) “Say Nonnie” well, yesterday I got back “WHY?” Wait what do you mean WHY?!?! You’re 2…….because I said SO!! WHY?!?! OHHHHHH She is soooo my Granddaughter! WHY!! I’ll give you why!! Now…. back to Jim (known in our house as the Cult Leader… I mean think about it… Navy recruiter..manages to lure my 2 sweet innocent daughters away from home into…. well, a CULT!! ’emmm…
Everyone should have a buddy like this!! Welllllllll I just stumbled on this post again on 4/12/2024. The link was broken and I have absolutely NO idea what buddy this was……. Sooooooooooooooooooo I got nothin’
Bulls eye!
Woooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooo! What a good day!! First I talked to my all time favorite patient today. Matthew! He always makes me laugh! Today was no exception! Then I found out I was approved to add Target.com to my web page!! Okay, seriously!!! What else is there?!?! Target, Barnes & Noble, Amazon!! If I can find a chocolate link this might be the most perfect web-page EVER!! Okay fine… maybe not the most perfect, but it sure has to be in the top 5? right?? Okay… so to recap… shopping good…. starting on my page Priceless BETTER!! (Yea…. I could see that PRICELESS comment coming back to kick me in the %$*! later!)
Ya know…
Ya know what I hate MORE than TELEMARKETERS? Telemarketers that call at 8:55 at night. Hey! what happened to that DO NOT CALL list?! I wish I had a chatty 2 year old in the house to hand the phone to and let them handle it!! Orrrrrrrr I wish I was fast enough on my feet to do this:
Dizzy I’m sooo dizzy………..
I’m dizzy! Not just in the head….. okay wait… yes in the head.. but like I don’t feel so good dizzy. So I’m going to bed early!
Makin’ a button?
So yesterday I was playing with backgrounds…. today I’m trying to make my own link button to add to other pages. Oh holy MOLY! I think my head may explode! But if it works I will write out the directions so you can make your own button too! It it doesn’t ….. well, this is the button picture I was going to use. Okay let see if I can do this…. I’ll be back. Never mind….. I just don’t get it! html is HARD!! LOL!! So I’m off to hunt for a pre-made button! Sorry Gracie!!
Movie time!
I’ll admit I’m a little behind the times with my movie selections. I also admit that Inglorious Basterds wasn’t high on my ‘must see’ list. THAT was a mistake! I should have moved it to number ONE a long time ago!! MAN that was a great movie! Don’t forget I tend to like blood, guts and gore sooooo use caution! It is a Quinten Tarantino film, so violence is a given. Brad Pitt is awesome in this movie! I loved his accent in this movie. There is a great balance of suspense, humor and violence.. So if you haven’t seen it… time to add it to your Netflix queue. DO…