• 5:00 News

    5:00 news came on with a story about bed bugs and now I can’t stop itching and scratching!!!!!  Stupid power of suggestion!!  So consider this my Public Service Announcement for the week.  (Truthfully? I hate to itch alone! But the PSA makes me sound so much nicer!!)  It also doesn’t help that hotel/motels are the prime place to pick up bed bugs and I leave for Vegas tomorrow.  UGHHHHH!!! Anyone have some anti-itch cream they want to share? Proper Prevention Techniques And Descriptions Bedbug FactsBedbugs are small, brownish flat bugs that feed only on the blood of humans and animals.  They are roughly the size of a ladybug, with small eyes…

  • Yosemite

    Selena has an amazing photographers eye.  It was hard to pick just a few to share but I finally narrowed it down to these 30.  Enjoy! I see new pictures coming to a wall in my house.  Great job SELENA!!!