June’s $50 Your Way Giveaway

Hello little Peanuts, I’m here with my monthly $50 Your Way Giveaway!

Happy June little Peanuts 2022 is half over!?! Whaaaat!?!

May was fairly boring up on the mountain. Worked in my garden. Added marigolds around my flowers. I read that deer don’t like them. Maybe I will get some flowers for inside the house this year. My fingers are crossed.

Giveaway Post Bleeding heart plant

I also added Bleeding Heart plants in my garden, because they are deer-resistant. 🦌 Keeping my fingers AND toes crossed for these. Isn’t it pretty?! I know I said on Instagram I was going to keep them indoors. Yeah by day 3 the hearts were a very light pastel pink. So, they denied that request.

It’s still cold as all get out. A couple of snow days. YES, IN MAY!? Course, thankfully not as bad as you had it in Colorado! (Yup, Sarah, I thought about you when I saw that snow report)
I am very excited about this month! I am headed to California (first to defrost!) to grab my Granddaughter Alice for our Non-Camp 2022. She will be 11 on the 1st, and on the 8th she graduates from grade school to middle school. Then she is MINE, mine, mine!
I’m hoping for a great visit, however, you know those hormones are starting to kick in… so pray for me!!


I truly am thankful you stop by! Most of you everyday. As always I am blown away by your support and most of all your friendship!!

My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! I really do appreciate the fact that you are here. THANK YOU!!!
This months giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) $50 American $$.

$50 Giveaway June
This is a Giveaway that is hosted by me and only me.

So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements is always appreciated!! Seriously, HOW subtle is that?!
GOOD LUCK little Peanuts!!!

This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!


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  • Sarah L

    Early visit to Physical Therapy to get some new exercises for my hip. Then swimming with 50 other people mostly screaming kids. YIKES! My friend and I are thinking about a morning Adult only swim instead of this madness.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Where did the day go?? I looked up and it was after 8. Long days are starting to fool me into thinking it’s still afternoon.

  • heather

    It has been a busy day here for me. There have been several fires already in our area this summer makes me so mad as they didn’t just start by themselves people are so stupid during fire season here.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Got an appointment for my gall bladder op: 2nd August when I should be moving furniture. Ah well, we’ll see.

  • Michele+Soyer

    Well I am split today between cleaning out the pantry and outside edging of the walkways.. who wins? I will decide after coffee #2….

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good just doing some stuff online. Getting ready to head to the kitchen to make some salads for the rest of the week. When it’s hot out I love having salads already prepared so there is no cooking and heating up the kitchen at all.

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s a really nice day out there today. Sunny & blue skies. Not too hot. And I still have that same old restless feeling just clawing away under my skin, lol.

  • Shelly Peterson

    My washer quit working and still had water that wouldn’t drain so I spent the morning scooping out water. Not fun.

  • Michele+Soyer

    I feel so grateful that the tropical cyclone in its infancy passed us – we were told it would be a direct hit but by grace it passed us skirting by with heavy rain and some wind – we had power outages but none here in my little corner of this island…Once again grateful – today will be outer bands only of the tail end –

  • Katrine

    My day is going well. It’s supposed to rain all day tomorrow so today was a day out to get those errands done.

  • Shelly Peterson

    Today was a bit stressful. I went to run errands and ended up with a flat tire. Luckily my daughter and her fiancé were able to help me.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good. I am heading out to the store to grab a few things for dinner and to beat the heat.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, I have been horrible at sticking to my diet for the last few days. I just seem to have n o willpower. I guess it’ll get better but man it is frustrating. I hate dieting. Is there anything harder than losing weight??

  • l p

    today is going well. the garden needs attention and it’s great day weather-wise to get out there and tackle those weeds and feed the compost. thanks

  • Michele+Soyer

    Schools are closed and the disaster prep organizations are on alert to aid people in low areas…I plan on coking and freezing some dishes…the washer repairman is supposed to come back today – lets see if he does…..

  • Tamra Phelps

    I just can’t seem to get motivated lately. My Grandma used to say ‘I feel so unnecessary’ when she had those frustrating, restless days, lol. Now I think I know what she meant.

  • Sarah L

    65 yesterday 85 today. Whee! My friend is a big hockey fan so she is happy that the Colorado Avalanche won the Stanley Cup!

  • heather

    My day is going super good today. I seem to have a pep in my step and got a lot of important things done even though it is 100 degrees out.

  • gloria patterson

    Got my knee and hand shots today……………… right now they both feel good. When the numbing wears off they will start to hurt again for another week or two ………………………. then they will feel good for about 2 months……. but after wait 3 months before next shots

  • Michele+Soyer

    Serious weather is approaching – today I plan on putting everything up and away in the garage area – moving all my plant pots and decorative garden bibs and bobs…..

  • Sarah L

    I would like some middle ground for the temperatures… 100 is too hot and 60 is too chilly for June. But it’s easier today to just put on more clothes.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, yesterday turned into a meltdown day, lol. Those come around now and then, I guess. I just get fed up and decide everything sucks and get mad and get sad and get on my own nerves! It passed.

    • Michele+Soyer

      Oh Tamra things believe it or not will get better – we have all been there and understand – hope today is much better for you..

  • heather

    I am so staying home and in the house today it is 105 degrees here. I am just doing stuff around the house and I cooked dinner this morning so it would be all ready for this evening and so I wouldn’t have to use the stove at all in the terrible heat.

  • Susan Smith

    It’s been a good day. The weather was cooler so I was able to open up the windows instead of turning on the air conditioning. I spent the day gardening, doing laundry and running errands.

  • gloria patterson

    You know those days that you don’t feel good but you don’t feel bad. Got up got dressed etc etc………………. Sat down in the recliner sleep for 3 hours

  • Shelly Peterson

    My washer went out the other day. So, I have to head to my sons to do some laundry. It seems like something always doesn’t go right.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Good God Almighty! It’s gone 3 in the afternoon & I’ve just woken up. Had a lovely evening getting to know a couple of women from Ukraine (thank you Google Translate!). We have so much in common (as I suppose women do everywhere). We all live in hope of better times to come.

  • Michele+Soyer

    A stormy day outside and a lovely morning in here – music, coffee and breakfast to come…the dog has been walked and the cats fed ( along with the neighbourhood cats that come for breakfast) so all that left to do beside relax is cook Sunday lunch!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’ve spent today binge watching Ted Lasso, which is a show I hadn’t watched. Funny. Jason Sudeikis is a talented guy.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good just did some running around and it is way too hot out there for me 101 today and 105 tomorrow. I am so over summer heat!

  • Shelly Peterson

    I did a grocery pick up this morning. I was going to go to Hoopfest but I got an invite to my brothers pool.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    So marvellous to be involved in ‘live’ theatre again and what a performance: the debut of a folk musical set in this town (Strokestown, County Roscommon) during the Great Famine. The mere fact that it was cheaper for the English gentry to ‘export’ their Irish peasant tenants to N. America, Canada & England than to feed them, and that at this time the harvests were exported to feed ‘Great’ Britain, simply beggars belief. Ireland’s population was decimated from 8 million to just over 1 million. Only one in five made it across the seas to start anew with nothing. They weren’t called ‘coffin ships’ for nothing. Extremely moving.

  • l p

    this day is going well. it’s the first day of our local farmers market (shortened season this year) and so it’s off to the market now. thanks

  • xjanelx78

    It’s Saturday, so my day is going well. Slept in a bit and have plans to clean my house which is a disaster. I started working from home in May and it’s disrupted my cleaning routine, which I did not expect.

  • Michele+Soyer

    Sun shining brightly before the next tropical wave hits – due beginning Monday night – finishing turning over a grow bed and adding more stones to a rock garden.. then inside to begin my weekend!

  • Sarah L

    Happy Birthday Connie!!!
    I spent some time today yelling at the news about the supreme (ha!) court overturning Roe v Wade. I marched 50 years ago and would have marched today if my hip would let me.
    My body, my choice. Your body, your choice. Universal Vasectomies!!

    • Kate Sarsfield

      I try to keep Connie’s space apolitical but what the heck has happened to the Land of The Free? I started marching back in the 70s & it’s taken till relatively recently to get abortion in Ireland. The Roe v Wade overturn is going to please ‘pro-life’ voters around the world and, while they are as entitled to their opinion as I am to mine, the choice must remain with the individual/s concerned.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Weird day. Woke up to a boil water advisory stuck on the door–turned out we don’t even have water, so can’t boil it, lol. Water main break. They finally got it fixed. And I kept dropping everything I picked up: spoons, medicine bottles, etc. And I cheated on my diet. Then I cried, lol. God, what a day.

    • Kate Sarsfield

      Just checking the date no, not Friday 13th, here or anywhere. Saw your video of the water spouting & going to waste – criminal in my opinion when so many parts of your country are crying out for water for crops etc.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good just staying home today and getting some stuff done around the house. It is starting to get hot here right now.

  • l p

    the day is going well. the sun is starting to poke through the clouds, getting the phone calls done. thanks Happy Birthday

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’m going out tonight! First night out since 2019!!! It’s a new play with music/songs about the Irish Famine and it’s in Strokestown House (my neighbours!). It’s not going to be fun, but it will be good to see theatre in action again.

  • Michele+Soyer

    Yesterday waiting for the repairman started O’Briens book – still waiting – still waiting – at 1pm he got lost – on the phone talking him thru the directions again – – back to reading – finished the book after 2pm when he finally reached…I had called ahead to give the service department the model and serial # and the parts listing from the manual… thought this would speed things up.. was I wrong of course – they put the wrong parts in the van!! LOL…so we get to do this again next Tuesday – gotta love it!!

  • Sarah L

    Good swim with friends, then quick trip to the library. Then Smashburger for dinner. (they’ve raised their prices again, sigh)

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, it’s a nice day here. Bright blue sky, fluffy white clouds…not horribly hot. Who can ask for more???

  • heather

    I am not feeling all that great today. I am thinking that it may be the heat we are in the 90’s here and I hate it.

  • Michele+Soyer

    To begin my day – starting to report my land solicitor when I get a call that he is still on holiday until July – your call is important to us blah blah blah….moving on…. waiting for my washer repairman.. he at least called for directions he is coming!! yeah… I see light at the end of this tunnel. LOL

  • Nancy

    My day has gone fine so far. Actually it is just a few minutes into Thursday morning. I am up late night into early morning reading!

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s been storming and interfering with the cable reception. Irritating, lol. Hopefully the storm breaks the heat out there.

  • Piroska

    My day is going well. The mini heat wave we had is over, and it’s now normal temperature. Day before yesterday, at 8:00 at night, we had 36 C, which felt like 48C with humidity (118.4). We’re in NW Ontario. We’ve never had it that hot.

  • gloria patterson

    wanted to cry……………. got in my car and it was dead after paying over a $1000 and its dead. AAA was kind and replaced a battery hopefully this will take care of it finally BUT I DON’T THINK IT WILL

  • Nancy

    My day is going fine so far. I went to the grocery store. It is 88 degrees now and we are headed to a high of 95 degrees later today. Whew!

  • Michele+Soyer

    I am at the end of my rope – my lawyer still hasn’t gotten back to me after messages on all platforms – today I cannot be calm patient and quiet about this – I plan on calling this morning and if he is still “not in the office” a message left will be strong and straight – I am firing him – want my retainer back and I will go to the legal affairs department…

  • Tamra Phelps

    This day seemed to fly by. I’m not sure why–but I know I got nothing done despite doing something all day, lol.

  • Sarah L

    Good swim today and my hip feels better. Then I did something for the first time in my life: I got a pedicure. I enjoyed it, but will be glad when I can do my own feet.

  • l p

    today is going well – much better than yesterday. was given fluoride rinse at the dentist to swish for 60 seconds. that was fine but late in the day, I realized 90% of my ability to detect sweet, sour, bitter, salty, umami was almost completely gone. COVID test was negative. they’re all back today but not 100%. thankfully the latest COVID variations don’t have cause much of this.

  • Michele+Soyer

    Went out did my small shopping and back in – serious weather approaching…the usual dark sky, thunder lightening and the approach of heavy rain…glad I left very early…well my washer needs a repairman – what is wrong is above my pay grade so scheduling that this afternoon….I have 2 washers and they both need help
    I have been putting it off and ratching one so it works.. that is over.. time for a pro!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’ve lined up a locksmith, gas repair/boilerman, broadband service, house insurance, chimney sweep & an electrician. Now all I need is the house!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I feel so tired today. Some days, it just feels like everything catches up with you, lol. But at least I don’t feel so dark & moody!

  • gloria patterson

    for some reason i am taking a lot of naps!!! already had a 2 hr nap and thinking about taking another one………….. never like this

  • Michele+Soyer

    Today is the Labour Day holiday here.. so I shall labour…going to trim some trees and prune some others then on to edging the driveway – that should burn off some of this angst…have to make lists for a small shop tomorrow….

  • Tamra Phelps

    I have banana pudding like my Mom made on my mind today, lol. With bananas and vanilla pudding and vanilla wafers…but I don’t have any wafers. Maybe it’ll pass. Or I might wind up making banana pudding, lol.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I cut my fringe today! Looked at myself in the mirror and said, “if Tamra Phelps can do it, so can I!”. It feels so much cooler now.

  • Shelly Peterson

    I was up earlier than I wanted. My daughter’s idea of sleeping in is different than mine. Ran to get coffee with her.

  • Katrine

    Happy Father’s Day. It’s a great day here. We can’t gather as we used to but we will have a lovely visit soon.

  • Michele+Soyer

    Still walking around in a grumpy mode – my daughter is laughing at me..so looking into tours of Greece and Portugal .. great tours that are specifically looking for homes…but then again I want a tour of magnificent historical sites…so I guess I need many tours!! LOL..guess I better pick some cash from my money trees!! Happy Sunday all and to all the fathers here Happy Fathers Day!

    • Tamra Phelps

      Hey, time marches on–you might as well be doing something you want to do while it passes, lol. Go to Greece!! Or Portugal. Or both!!

  • gloria patterson

    Had my great niece (5) for the day wore me out. She is so much fun and is learning so fast about so many things. Today got up did this and that decided I needed a nap………………………….. 3 hours later

  • Tamra Phelps

    I am so tired of sugar-free jello, lol. But it is my go-to dessert these days. I mean only 5 calories and the illusion of having dessert, lol. Add a dollop of whipped cream and still just 30 calories. But man, I want some cheesecake… I tried that sugar-free Jello cheesecake pudding but it wasn’t very good.

  • Kari

    It’s a good day here. I was able to get a bunch of things on my list finished. I’m looking forward to a relaxing evening.

  • Michele+Soyer

    Feeling low…so frustrated and want to start my plans but things are moving so slowly – probably not really but for me they are.. LOL….lawyer still on holiday.. Tuesday after the holiday here calling again – my patience is growing very thin.. sorry had to vent!

    • Kate Sarsfield

      It’s only because you’ve had bad weather and you’re not good at sitting still! You’ll get to Italy and Greece soon!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Argh!! Bad knee day, lol. The right knee, which has a femur that is not exactly where it should be (sepsis ate away at the inner ‘things’ there) is hurting today. The femur has shifted a little (started when I had that bone scan, so I bet the odd way they make you lay on that table was what shifted the bone) and it must be pressing on something it shouldn’t be–well, it has happened before and I just have to grit it out. It will eventually sort of shift back. That is so weird, right??? Sometimes, when I stand up, that knee seems sort of wavy, lol. I have to stiffen the leg and quickly take a step (using a walker), so that leg doesn’t hold my weight for too long.

    • Kate Sarsfield

      I think you’d really get a lot from aqua-exercise. I realise I’m no expert but the water takes your weight and let’s things get back into place naturally. Look at Sarah, broke her hip & she’s back in the water to build up her strength. Maybe ask the specialist?

  • Kate Sarsfield

    The vendor has agreed to pay half the cost of clearing the house! Let this be a lesson to you: If you don’t ask, you don’t get!

  • l p

    learning to be flexible today. it was supposed to be sunny and warm but Mother Nature has a different plan so the indoor chores are getting done first. thanks

  • Tamra Phelps

    Have you ever gotten so fed up that you really just want to scream at the top of your lungs??? Lol, I’m approaching that point…but I don’t think it will be very loud. I was intubated for about a month when I had sepsis, and it damaged my vocal cords (one was damaged, the other tried to compensate but just can’t completely.) So, I can talk fine at a normal level, but if I try to yell or raise my voice it just won’t go beyond a certain pint. So frustrating when you want to holler!!

  • Sarah L

    Ah, to be back at the pool and see my friends in person after 7 weeks. Just taking it easy in the pool and not trying to wear myself (or my hip) out.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    My niece got a new job. Her present Education Officer contract ends at the end of the month then she starts at another agency where she’ll be in charge of introducing a new training programme to be delivered in colleges & universities around the country AND she’ll travel to Europe as well!

  • gloria patterson

    grocery shopping at 7:30 this morning…………… get home before it got so HOT 92 Sat is going to be high of 69 !!!!

  • heather

    Our Internet has been off and on since Sunday and I am about ready to freak out. It is not up long enough to do anything and when I call the wait time to talk to someone is over three house.

  • Michele+Soyer

    Weather has broken so out to do some storm clean-up and some re-potting.. then in to do laundry and eggplant parmesan..

  • Tamra Phelps

    It was in the high 90s out there today–so, of course, I went to the grocery, lol. It was way too hot to be out. Then I came home and spent a few hours sick as a dog, cold sweats & stomach spasms. Geeze, I don’t know if the heat contributed to it or if it was just a bad stomach day…

  • Karen R

    Today was a hot one. Dog did not want to walk with me to the mailbox. I need to get some groceries; putting that off as long as I can.

  • gloria patterson

    Hot and hard to breath weather!! Picked up my car ……………………… costed a arm & leg thank God for credit cards

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Anyone else get a look at the moon last night? Stayed up to have a look then designed my new garden! I know I shouldn’t jump the gun but couldn’t help myself.

  • Michele+Soyer

    Tropical wave #9 is upon us – rain so heavy you cannot see anything outside…oh well I will have to just take the day off and plan…

  • Tamra Phelps

    The heat here has been downright oppressive. And tomorrow I’m set to go to the grocery…so of course it’s gonna be the hottest day yet…95 in the shade, lol.

  • gloria patterson

    Had to have car jumped again………….. Dealership ran test and found bad alternator. Had to order so had to take a taxi home. Pick up car tomorow

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Found my cheque book! At the bottom of my handbag after spending a good hour turning everything else upside down!

  • heather

    Our home Internet had been off and on since Sunday and I am pulling my hair out! I am so looking for a new provider!

  • Michele+Soyer

    Full moon in Sag sitting right on my sun… trying not to get very argumentative with my lawyer but I need a reply to my questions and my patience is wearing very thin! Waiting for a decent time to call the office once again…

  • l p

    this day was much busier than I thought it would be. thanks
    (I’m not sure the first comment went through – t-storm overhead).

  • Tamra Phelps

    Man, it is hot today…the kind of hot that makes you feel like you can’t get a deep breath. I mean, even after dark, it was still in the 90s.

  • Karen R

    I hate to complain but my entire body is in pain. Not anywhere even close to a bad day. It would have to improve to be bad.

  • Sarah L

    I GOT TO TO SWIMMING AGAIN! First time in 7 weeks and I’ve missed it so much. Only did about 20 minutes but it felt so good. None of my regular friends there on a Monday, but I have my last appointment with my hip surgeon tomorrow. Will see them on Thursday.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Made more lists, got more quotes then realised I couldn’t find my cheque book! Had a quick search but no joy. It’s not like there’s anywhere to lose things in one room! Last wrote a cheque early April. Anyway, I’ll have a good rummage tomorrow in daylight.

  • Nancy

    My day is going fine so far. I’ve completed 3 things on my to do list already. I hope everyone has a lovely day.

  • Michele+Soyer

    Torrential rain since 3am.. tropical wave #8 I believe..a great day to read and listen to old school R&B and dance! All pets relaxing also no running around today…

  • l p

    the day went quickly. had to go out to do some grocery shopping and pick up some other things. all of a sudden it was dinner time. thanks

  • Tamra Phelps

    I spent today watching TV and well, that’s pretty much it, lol. That and reading some magazines. So, not much got done today!

  • Sarah L

    A bit cooler today (95) for going to the Sage Singers concert. Was good to see all my friends and enjoy great music.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Another chilly day so I’ve not done an awful lot other than make lists of things to do when (?) I get the keys. Room by room, ceiling to floor, inside & out … it’s an awful lot of work, but when it’s broken down like that it seems much more manageable.

  • Michele+Soyer

    The kitchen awaits this Sunday morning – bread to bake, coconut sweetbread to make and an Italian lunch..

  • Kate Sarsfield

    It is June, isn’t it? Honestly to look out the window you’d think it was winter again (apart from the green leaves). Pricing the cost of concrete online for when (?) I replace the floors.

  • Nancy

    My day has gone fine so far. It is expected to go up to only 83 degrees today. I’m thinking Mexican food for lunch – yummy!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I seem to be having several bad days in a row, physically. Everything hurts at the same time, lol. That just gets me frustrated and angry and ready to snap. I just have to get through it.

  • Sarah L

    Saw my doctor today for follow up. I CAN GO SWIMMING AGAIN!!! I’ve missed it so much.
    We’re expecting temps in the 90s for the next few days. Bleh.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    A bit of good news at last! My earache’s much better AND I got a phone call & email from my laywer’s secretary. They’ve received most of the required documents and more are on the way. All is good so far so I could be in the house in a few weeks!

  • heather

    I had a lot of running around to do today and just got home and I am so hot! It is only 83 degrees here but super muggy.

  • l p

    the day is going well. had an early appointment so was up and going early in the day. the appointment went well so that’s a relief. thanks

  • Nancy

    My day has gone fine so far. I bought yellow squash, tomatoes, and beets at the farmer’s market. I attended an open house at a new dining venue that has delicious food.

  • Michele+Soyer

    Well it seems that my solicitor is now on vacation so the status of my sub-division is still unknown..patience is a virtue!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’ve been in a mood today, lol. Totally dark, lol. No idea why. Some days are just like that, I guess.

  • Sarah L

    Went to the pool to see friends (still no swimming for me), library, Sprouts for their garlic bread. Wore me out.

  • gloria patterson

    cool weather for the next week plus a little rain. So I stay home clean little read a little just relaxing

  • heather

    My day is going pretty quiet so far. It is really warming up here had to turn the air conditioning on for the first time this year.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Earache kept me awake again last night so I rang my Doc in Wexford & he emailed a prescription for antibiotic drops that I’ve used before to the pharmacy here. Feels better all ready thank goodness.

  • Shelly Peterson

    I’ve had a tooth ache for the last 2 days. I’m going in later to have it pulled. Oh how I hate going to the dentist.

  • Nancy

    My day has gone fine so far. It is just starting, really. I am going to make some greeting cards later this afternoon.

  • Michele+Soyer

    Never put my plants in the ground yesterday so as soon as the sun is up I will give it another go…to tell the truth I really want to be sitting in a cafe looking out at the sea from a high place doing nothing!! LOL dream on girl…

  • Tamra Phelps

    There’s nothing but rain here. It’s that crazy rain that comes out of nowhere on a really sunny day, pours down for about 20 minutes, then goes away. But it’s been doing that several times a day for days now.

  • gloria patterson

    For some reason my hand and knee have been bothering me a lot the last couple of weeks. I have almost 3 weeks to go before I can my shots.

  • Nancy

    My day has gone fine so far. We picked blueberries and blackberries today. I am having roasted beets with dinner.

  • heather

    My day is going ok so far today. We are waiting for the plumber to show up to fix some issues we are having so that should be fun $$$.

  • Annmarie Weeks

    My day is going well so far! My daughter just got pre-approved for her 1st apartment. AND I am now a 1st-time Great Aunt! My nephew & his wife just had a baby this afternoon!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    At last there’s some news re. the Agreed Sale house. It seems the owner died which caused delays but now all that is settled and documents are on their way to my lawyer. Why couldn’t that have been said at the start? And now my lawyer’s away till the 20th of this month so more delay. AGHH!

    • Tamra Phelps

      Well, at least that answers the question of what was going on…but yeah, they should have notified you!

  • Michele+Soyer

    The Sahara dust is very bad this morning.. I feel for the people who have allergies or lung problems – plan on waiting until hopefully some of it burns off so I can go out and put some plants in…

  • gloria patterson

    rainy and cool……………….. our weather is so strange cool cool cool HOT HOT warm cool cool HOT did a little cleaning little crafting and a little tv

  • Shelly Peterson

    I didn’t have the grandbaby today, so I ran some errands. Now I’m just relaxing. It’s a nice day out.

  • Tamra Phelps

    So, good news: no infection in my ankle. It probably was there at some point and did a lot of damage, but at least it’s not still there, eating away at the joint. I am left with ‘subchondral sclerosis & cystic changes’–which seems to mean severe, end-stage arthritis. Now, I have to see the orthopedist again to see how he can help me with that.

  • l p

    the day is going well. after a yesterday’s rain all day, it’s good to see the sun and feel the warmth it brings. thanks

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Checked out another house today. Beautiful rural area with wonderful views but the house isn’t fit for use as a cowshed. Bought myself some locally-grown strawberries to cheer myself up.

  • Michele+Soyer

    Calling my solicitor this morning I have patiently waited for him to contact me that is done .. my patience is at its limit…after that is done who knows what trouble I will get into! LOL

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s rained all day. And today was my aunt’s birthday, the first since she died. So, all around, a gray day.

  • Sarah L

    Most excitement today was getting long shoehorn from Amazon. Since I can’t get into some of my shoes without help. Oh, the thrills of a new hip….

  • Kate Sarsfield

    It’s a holiday here so the street is quiet apart from dog walkers & picnicers (is that how you spell it?) heading for the park. I attempted to cut my fringe – not great but cooler. Flipping earache at me again.

  • Karen R

    It is early in the day. It is good so far. I have a doctor’s appointment, so things could change. Fingers crossed.

  • Tamra Phelps

    My knee is feeling a little better today. The effects of that scan seem to be fading. I’ll have to find out tomorrow when my doctor will have the results.

  • heather

    NOT a good day – scary! I was approached by a man in a black hoodie while I was trying to put my groceries in my car today and he would not go away! I threw my groceries in the backseat and jumped in my car, locked the doors and sped out of the parking lot – it really shook me up!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Went for a walk in the park then changed the sheets, watered my plants. Going for a shower then curl up with my book. I’ve had a blooming earache on & off for a couple of days that keeps me awake at night. I’m not registered with a Doc in this area so I’ll ring my one back in Gorey on Tues. after the long weekend & see if they’ll email a ‘scrip to the pharmacy here.

  • Michele+Soyer

    sitting here totally not motivated to even get up and move to another chair! Anyway I must make my lists for shopping tomorrow then read, relax and dream about that European tour I want to take.. dream it is…

    • Kate Sarsfield

      Don’t forget to let me know when you’re flying over Ireland – I’ll look up and wave at every plane that passes!

      • Michele+Soyer

        As amazing as it sounds my goal is to re-locate yes pick up all this and move to Greece, Portugal or Provence…it sounds crazy at my age and I did the large 40 foot container move once before..I know the work and expense it is BUT I want to..it might take me 2 years to do it but do it I shall …Ireland will be on my list of countries to visit!

  • Nena Sinclair

    I have a very busy life. Every Saturday, I take my 6 year old grandson to McDonald’s for his weekly visit with his dad. I don’t sit with them because I don’t want to interfere with their visit. I enjoy that time to myself, it’s a great treat. I love to observe people. There are some real characters there, a mix of all kinds of people. I find it very interesting.

  • Sarah L

    My biggest accomplishment today was going to the grocery store where they put my groceries in the trunk. I do like the pickup option. Then putting them all away when I got home.

  • Karen R

    My day has been good. I had fresh strawberries for breakfast. Hubby is bringing a pizza home for dinner. Keep me fed with my favorite foods and I’m happy.

  • l p

    today is going much better than yesterday and that’s very welcome. got the chores and errands done early. thanks

  • Shelly Peterson

    I was hoping to sleep in, but my daughter called to go get coffee. Right now I’m relaxing and then headed to Chuck E Cheese with all the grandkids.

  • gloria patterson

    This was a nice day so far……………. sleep late got up dress etc etc……………… decided I needed a nap sleep over 2 hours. Fixed salmon for lunch it was so good………………. I have leftivers for later.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m just trying to physically recover from that Thursday bone scan. I don’t know if it was something to do with the radioactive white blood cells they injected or the positions you have to hold for 30 minutes in that scanner, but since that night my right knee has become very painful (a spot with past infection and a lot of current issues, so the white blood cells definitely would head there)–and my old gut issues where the sepsis attacked it have suddenly decided to pipe up and say their piece again. Geeze. Add that to the ankle, and I’m flat out exhausted, physically and emotionally. But it had to be done. I can’t even have that knee surgery if they think there might be infection anywhere in my body. I know we have to find it and root it out if it’s still hiding anywhere…

    • Kate Sarsfield

      Oh Lord, you’re running on empty by the sounds of it. You’re right though, it had to be done. Remember, it’s time for change xxx

  • Denise C

    The cheap gas station in town has finally raised regular gas to over $6 (6.03 to be exact). Not the best of ways to start my morning 🙁

  • Nancy

    My day is going fine so far. I had oatmeal and eggs over easy on bread for breakfast. Still working on the never-ending chore list!

  • Karen R

    The day has been okay. Too hot to take the dog for a walk. Hubby is clearing a path in the woods that belongs to us.

  • gloria patterson

    Temps are down have my windows shut. Just resting and relaxing ……….. ever so often I pull out a drawer…. fold straighten throw away

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Made an appointment to view another house next Tuesday (it’s a long weekend here). Sis got Mum’s name engraved on the headstone so I paid for half & she sent me a photo of the finished grave. They would both have been 89 this year.

  • Michele+Soyer

    Mercury is direct as of this morning – things will start to go forward…thank goodness…waiting to hear from my solicitor on the sub division….hope springs eternal!

  • Nancy

    My day has gone fine so far. Actually it is is just about 35 minutes into today. I plan to accomplish more chores today.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, at least the all day scan is over. Now I wait for the results. Is there infection in my left ankle or not–has that caused it to go from painless to excruciating arthritis pain so quickly? Usually arthritis is a slowly worsening condition–it doesn’t usually go from no pain to ‘end-stage arthritis in a few days, lol. I’m a little afraid MRSA or sepsis has been hiding there waiting to flare.

  • Sarah L

    Overdid it a bit today and my hip is muttering at me. Went to the pool to see my friends even if I can’t yet go swimming.

  • Renee Summerhays

    Good! I got a lovely candle today at bath and body works, played games, cleaned, and spot some cute shoes.

  • gloria patterson

    We are still playing up and down temp with out weather 80 84 89 93 88 74 ……….. so today cool and rainy

    Just being lazy

  • Sarah L

    Happy Birthday ALICE! I have new neighbors and they are very nice. They just took my trashcan to the curb for me.
    Glad to see that you are still doing this Connie…..
    Thanks for the contest. And the daily updates.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Stress ache in my neck, blech. I know it’s because of the dread of that bone scan tomorrow. Well, it will be done this time tomorrow, so there’s that to look forward to, lol.

  • Karen R

    Today has been a good day. I was thinking it was Tuesday. Good thing I didn’t have anyplace to be and I don’t even know, if that makes sense.

  • gloria patterson

    did a little shopping and returned my jar of jiff to krogers. for a refund. Had to dig it out of the trash can and hopefully will get some coupons

  • Kim Pincombe-Cole

    Having a hard day. My brother inlaw is loosing his battle with stage 4 colon cancer and the mood is so sad & heavy…

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