I have a new obsession the tv show “Taboo” mostly I sit with my mouth gapping open shaking my head. This last episode still has me saying “waaaaaaaaaa??? the?????” Here’s a brief rundown from the website………. We arrived in Yelm, for our first meeting with a mechaphile — a person who is sexually and emotionally attracted to cars. Read more: Don’t even get me started about the woman that is attracted to the Berlin WALL!!!
Pay attention!
Here is my public service announcement for the YEAR! I just spent the entire day fixing my computer. I got a NASTY virus and a very official looking “Windows7” error message that caused quite a panic for me. HOLY CRAP!! My computer screen went black even after rebooting. So this is my friendly reminder to always check to be sure your anti virus is on!! I don’t know how or why but mine was turned off! It took me 6 hours to fix this mess! So now after a virus check, scan disk and defrag my little computer is happy as a clam once again. Course I wasted an entire day!!! But at least I didn’t…
Scary mix!
Question: What do you get when you mix PMS with a GPS? A crazy bitch who WILL find you!
This is not something you see everyday! I live in the suburbs of San Diego. I am more likely to have a car with a boom box out front making my windows rattle than what just went down our street! Picture update my week old Granddaughter BabyT. Isn’t she so sweet?? (HEY!! I told you I’d be obnoxious….. I have a Grandbaby!!
No thank you!
I’m sorry, I’m not getting in! Thank you Miss Barbara I love this video!!
I won the greatest little gadget from Life of a Beagle. It’s called Walkadog. It’s AWESOME!! If you know me you already know DH has MS and sometimes walking isn’t easy to do and yet the Queen of the house Miss Gracie still demands to be walked. The Walkadog makes sure Gracie is right at DH’s side. Gracie is easy to correct. There is no pulling or fighting with the Walkadog. I took Gracie out for a walk and with me there are times she is super stubborn and if she wants to go smell the flowers SHE GOES. HA!!! Momma had the Walkadog. And again I say HA! We are walking!…
Giveaway Alert!
So if you know me… you know I am OBSESSED with pictures!! I could seriously take a picture of my family everyday…. and print them and place them in frame. I LOVE pictures of my family. (Ahhhh helllloooo they are a gooooood lookin’ bunch sooo it’s kinda a DUH! Of course I would!) So when the digital frames came out? Oh mamma was I a happy girl!! NOW I’m obsessed with digital frames!!! Which brings me to a giveaway I found!! A digital frame for my PURSE!! AAAHAAAAAA!!! Brilliant!! Head over to A Mom’s Balancing Act and enter for a Audiovox Portable Digital Picture Frame Album. (Be sure and look around…
Dreading it!!
UGH!!!!!!! Tomorrow is my regular yearly doctor visit. It’s been a bad year and I have eaten my WEIGHT through it and I know there is a lecture coming. I don’t wanna gooooooooo!!! Do you think the lecture will be less if I come in prepared with a list of excuses?? Hummmmm that might work. Ohhhh I have a t-shirt that says “Don’t yell at me” I just wish it still FIT cause I would sooooooo wear that in!!! Oh well on a HAPPY note!! Look at this face!! Doesn’t she make it all better? Oh oh oh oh!! Could I borrow Alice tomorrow? Babies fix everything! The doctor would be so in…