• So much to do!!

    Does anyone else get into such a funk that a task that would have taken you 10 minutes has been put on the back burner till it’s an all day thing?! UGH!! That’s what I’ve done. From the fish tank to the kitchen stove! The bathroom to patio….. ugh!!  Somebody come help me!! Wait let me rephrase that. Someone come clean FOR me! cause now I’m so over whelmed I don’t know where to start! Ohhhh and NO you don’t get a picture of the mess! I don’t want to stress you out before you get here… I mean I don’t want to spoil the surprise!  That’s it! No spoiler here! So? Come over… bring donuts…

  • HELP!!!

    Poor little baby Alice (all of 3 weeks old!) has a diaper rash that just won’t go away.  Does anyone have any home remedies that worked well for you? Here is what Selena has tried: #1 cornstarch (But after a google search did you know you shouldn’t use that because it can allow the bacteria to grow! Seriously!!  HOW did my children make it through childhood?!?!) #2 Buttpaste I would buy this for the name alone. I’m childish like that! #3 Desitine I suggested trying a different diaper brand.  I suggested 2 tablespoons of baking soda in Alice’s bath water. Lastly more no diaper time. Anyone else have an idea to try? These looks Alice…

  • Teasin’

    Thank you Barbara for tonight’s blog.  I love anything that makes Barbara laugh. I REALLY love it when she laughs so hard she looks like she’s crying and she can’t stop and catch her breath.  Wait… that was mean!! Ohhh wait… I AM MEAN!!  So Barbara get your hanky.