• Storytime Yoga

    I won a copy of Storyland Yoga from Parent Palace. I am in LOVE with this video!!!!!! Emma is 3, Eli is 19 months and they had a BLAST!!! This is the first time playing the Storyland Yoga dvd and the kids kept up with NO PROBLEMS!!!!! Ahmed Fahmy is a wonderful instructor.  The kids were 100% enthralled with Ahmed’s story telling that go along with instruction for the poses.  Storyland Yoga is so much fun!!  It’s easy to follow allow along Ahmed.  There is enough time  between poses for the kids to follow along. AND…. here’s Nonnie’s big bonus!!!  It’s exercise!!  THEY were TIRED afterwards!! Ahhhhhhhh 10 minutes of quiet!!…

  • Slippery Willie’s Stupid, Ugly Shoes

    I was able to review a super cute children’s book called “Slippery Willie’s Stupid, Ugly Shoes” by Larry Peterson.  Such a cute story about a boy Willie who “had slippery feet. They were so slippery that Willie just slipped, slid and spun all over the place”. Willie gets new “Stupid, Ugly” shoes that help him walk without slipping, but they are so ugly that Willie doesn’t want to wear them. What I like the most about this story is the message that kids (us adults too!!) we sometimes worry about things so much that we make it a much bigger deal than it really is.  This story also helps children see that we all…