• Zoo time!

    San Diego Zoo…. and I want it noted that Selena is the one smashing BabyT’s face into the MASK!!!           It didn’t matter what animal we showed BabyT she wanted to read the description and look at the bushes. Isn’t that the CUTEST hat and sunglass set?!?! Alice rocks that little blue BabyBanz set!! This is the first package to arrive from my big win at Sweet Posh Baby!!!  Thank you Christy the BabyBanz set arrived on Friday just in time for a San Diego Zoo trip!!!   I can’t wait for more packages to arrive!  It’s like Christmas all over!! I’ll be sure and update…

  • The Vomit Series

    I like to call this series of pictures “The joys of motherhood”.  OR 6 more reasons I LOVE LOVE LOVE my new camera!!!! I captured a perfect Mother Daughter moment………….. Followed by………….. a NOT perfect Mother Daughter moment…. unless of course you are holding the camera then ……. well, it’s just priceless!!! Sorry…. I can’t stop laughing!!  Cause just last week……. I was the one on the other end of the projectile vomiting……. only BabyT was directly over my face and my mouth was open.  My only saving grace??  No camera in site!! P.S. Selena isn’t throwing BabyT into the bushes no matter what Zac says….