• Lawn Care

    The article written by Victor Flowers After a hard evening of work I decided that it was time to sit in my recliner and relax. I spent 10 hours at work at my day job and worked for 4 hours in the yard when I got home. I love doing yard work but man does it sap your energy. With growing season right around the corner i have to get me lawn in top shape so that the grass will grow thick and green. The process to ensure a nice lawn is pretty extensive. The first thing I did was cut the grass pretty low. I then got out my…

  • BioK+ Probiotic’s Review

    For this review I thought I would start with a few descriptions from Bio-K+’s website. I didn’t know what Probiotic’s did or what to expect after trying it. So what I’ve learned is: Probiotic’s are the good bacteria that crowd out the bad bacteria when our intestinal system is weakened by antibiotics, stress, poor nutrition or any other negative factor. They help improve our digestion and elimination and keep our system balanced making us less susceptible to viruses. Our body has 100,000 billion bacteria just in our gut, and we need more good bacteria than bad to be healthy, that’s why the CFU’s (colony forming units) for an effective probiotic…

  • Smiley Cookies!! Review

    These Easter Cookies from Smiley Cookies really are cookies that make me smile!!   I am thrilled to bring you a review of these adorable and delicious Easter Bunny Cookies.  Seriously, how cute are these cookies??  Equally, as important these cookies are taste SO DELICIOUS!!!  YUMMMMM!!!!!!  Cookies arrive in an adorable smiley  box, tucked inside is a container that keeps the cookies separated and wrapped in plastic.  The cookies are delicious right out of the container, but for a just out of the oven taste?  Pop ’em in the microwave for 10 seconds for that melt in your mouth softness. OH MY GOSH!!!  I’m just lucky there were enough cookies left to…