• Tips and Tricks for Planning a Vacation!

    The anticipation of a vacation is often what can keep us going through a rough season at work. It’s good to have something to look forward to in order to endure the stress of everyday life. That’s why it’s important to create a well-formed plan so your experience is as stress-free as possible. Ensuring a detailed checklist is a part of this, including your passport, boarding pass, and even any extra important documents such as an e-ticket from http://dominicanrepubliceticket.org/ if you’re travelling to the Dominican Republic as your chosen destination. Having the correct travel documents available when you arrive at the airport is crucial for a relaxed travel experience. Vacations…

  • Time For School!!

    I’m one very lucky girl!! I get to spend my days with the CUTEST 2 year old on the planet!! My Granddaughter Alice. This kid is a crack up!! Yesterday I said something that made her laugh, so I said “See? NaNa’s a FUNNY GIRL!!” With a deadpan straight face she turned to me and said “You are??”  Ohhhhkayyyy fine!! I THINK I’m a funny girl! Funny NaNa or not, I’m really amazed at how much this kid absorbs everyday!! She has a stack of site words that she KNOWS without hesitation. She can count to twenty. She knows her ABC’s. She knows all of her letters and numbers by…

  • Labato iPhone 5 & 5s

    I sound like a broken record here, but, I am addicted to cases!! I truly do want one case for my phone in every single color and every single style. Then again for my iPad, yes, every single color and every single style. I have to admit that my Labato cases are a favorite. The quality and workmanship are outstanding! Today my review is about the iPhone 5 Leather Case. This case is stunning. Made of leather inside and outside. The inside cover is a super soft microfiber lining with “Labato” written on the lining very faintly. This case is slim and very light weight. It adds absolutely no weight to the…