• Alternatives to Opiates for Pain Management

    Managing pain can be hard work and to handle the challenges, many individuals turn to opiates.  Opiates can be highly effective, and have been used for centuries to numb severe discomfort. Unfortunately, the problem with these seemingly amazing drugs is that they are highly addictive, and being addicted has its own set of problems. Natural opiates come from opium poppies, but there are semi-synthetic opioids as well, such as oxycodone, oxymorphone and hydrocodone. There are several healthier alternatives for those who suffer from chronic pain. One such alternative is cannabis. It has been noted to have less risk attached than opiates, and there is strong evidence supporting THC as an…

  • Irresistible Me Hair Extensions GIVEAWAY!!

    Giveaway has ended However, my monthly giveaway is alive and well. Hair!! If I didn’t hate blogs that play music as soon as you open them, YOU would be listening to The Cowsills ‘HAIR” right now! Hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hairFlow it, show itLong as God can grow itMy hair I want it long, straight, curly, fuzzySnaggy, shaggy, ratty, mattyOily, greasy, fleecyShining, gleaming, streamingFlaxen, waxenKnotted, polka-dottedTwisted, beaded, braidedPowdered, flowered, and confettiedBangled, tangled, spangled, and spaghettied! Oh say can you seeMy eyes if you canThen my hair’s too short Down to hereDown to thereDown to whereIt stops by itself Oh yeah HAIR!!! Like most women, I have short hair, I…

  • Trouble Game

    Why You Should Play Board Games & A GIVEAWAY!

    Why play board games? There are so many reasons to play board games with your family. First!! Kids of all ages play games on on-line, three year old Alice has  numerous games that she plays on the iPad. Emma and Eli, same thing. Just about EVERYONE, plays games on line. Sure, there are games that you play against other players, but more often players are alone. Over the fourth of July we played an old family favorite game of TROUBLE with the Grandkids. So MUCH FUN!! Playing board games together like Trouble teaches so many great traits! Not only counting, but good sportsmanship AND the fact that being sent HOME in…