• Camping Vacation tent

    ​How To Have An Amazing Camping Vacation With The Kids!!

    There’s nothing better than loading up the car with camping gear and taking the kids on a wild adventure outdoors for the weekend. But before you fill the trunk with tents, your camping stove and all the other essentials, there are a few things that you need to plan and do to ensure that you and the kids have a great time on your trip. Have A Family Meeting Sure, it’s tempting to book everything without asking your kids, but sitting them down in advance and asking them where they’d like to go, for how long, and what they want to do when they get there will really help you pick the right trip for…

  • Real Deal Brazil Tarp Hat Review

    This is how my brain works, I wanted to give you all the update for oldest daughter Selena’s wedding, which is quickly approaching at the speed of light! THREE days to go!! So, I was going to share some of the hair ideas that our fantastic stylist Deborah from Studio 78 in Oceanside California has come up with. So, hair and heads NATURALLY would lead me to telling you about my new hat!! Right?? RIGHT!! Of course, the hippie in me is really going to come out in this post. I can’t help it. Growing up in the 60’s and 70’s is thoroughly ingrained in me. I still prefer my…

  • Fun For Baby This Summer- How To Capture Your Memories

    New parents spend a lot of time taking photos of their babies. They capture each week and each month, and they fill up their phones, cameras and computers with pictures. But then what do you do with them? There are plenty of things that you can do with photos, from babyhood to adulthood. It’s important to capture those great memories of your baby, and it’s equally as important to do something with those memories that makes them visible. Sure, you can print them out and put them in a scrapbook or a photo album, but why not strive for something more? The Case For Professional Photos You probably take enough…