• little boy at dentist

    6 Tips to Help Ease Your Child’s Fear of the Dentist!

    Unless you are a dentist, it isn’t likely that you love trips to the dentist. You might even get nervous or anxious with every visit. With that being said, imagine how you feel before each dentist appointment and amplify that. Then you might begin to understand how your child feels for their dental appointments. It is possible to ease those anxious feelings and help your child feel more comfortable at the dentist’s office. You might even find some of these tips working for yourself. The team at The Village Dental Center has compiled a list of tips to help ease your child’s fear of the dentist. Start Young Don’t wait…

  • Do a 180!

    My great friend Stephanie in New York sent me the cutest magnet for my fridge! It has two phrases the first “Step away from the fridge there is nothing in here to eat. Put your arms down, put ‘em down! Yea! I want you to do a 180 and walk back to the rice cake immediately!! YEA!” the second is “Oh my goodness I hear the carbs calling your name — ohhh listen listen quietly “ohhh I loovvee you” See? See?? I told you so!. Thank you Steph! How did you know those are the exact arguments that go thru my head every time I go near the fridge!

  • Blog button clip art

    Top Tips For Marketing Your Mom Blog!

    Mom blogs are currently one of the most popular niches of blog online. If you are considering starting a mom blog, this is great news for you, because you have a very wide reader base to appeal to. At the same time, the con to this fact is that you’ll have a lot of other (and larger) mom blogs to compete with. Even if you have the greatest mom blog in the world, no one will find it and read it if you don’t know how to market it so it stands out from the crowd. Fortunately, there are many effective and proven blog marketing techniques at your disposal. Here…