• The Four Must Knows for Stay-at-Home Moms Looking to Start a Business

    Maybe you’re a seasoned stay-at-home mom that’s growing a bit bored with your daily routine, looking for some way to feel more fulfilled. Or perhaps your kids are about to leave the nest and you know that there’s something greater for you just around the corner. Either way, once you feel the itch of entrepreneurship it’s difficult to ignore, isn’t it? Although there are plenty of joys to being a stay-at-home mom and watching your children grow before your eyes, the fact remains that starting your own business perhaps represents the ultimate feeling of fulfillment for mothers. This is especially true if you left behind a bustling career prior to…

  • Little girl in straw hat

    How to Dress Your Kids for Fun in the Sun!!

    How to Dress Your Kids for Fun in the Sun   Summer is the season to be outside. The kids are out of school, and hours of play outside are ahead of them each day. Ensuring their safety is essential, as is protection from the hot sun and its effects.   A sunburn is dangerous for anyone but, for a child, it can be even more damaging than for an adult. Limiting their time in the sun during the middle of the day is a good idea. So is limiting outdoor activity when the UV index is especially high, because protection against ultraviolet radiation is the best way of defense…