• Miami Sky line

    5 East Coast Experiences You Must Try

    The east coast of the United States is home to some of the most impressive and most popular tourist destinations on the planet. It offers an enormous variety of experiences, all fabulous and unique, and you will always find something to do there. In short, you can’t go wrong with these east coast experiences.   We can’t possibly write about everything offered by a coastline that stretches for more than 2,000 miles, so here, we have tried to give you the details of what we think are the very best experiences that the east coast can offer you, although there will be many, many more that we haven’t covered. Take a…

  • Country Life Eugene Tiley

    April 8th, Photo-A-Day Treasure

    Today’s Photo-A-Day is Treasure. Wayyyyyyy back when The Husband and I went through a time; like everyone does where you struggle to make ends meet. Like send the electric bill to the the phone bill people just to try and stretch out the time before the phones went dead. It was Christmas time and we were struggling to put presents under the tree. I hit every Goodwill, Amvets, and thrift store within a 25 miles radius. I washed, ironed and wrapped presents. I made toys. We really stretched our budget to the max for Christmas. Then I did something sooooooooo stupid. I used a large portion of my budget for…

  • Sunrise Photo-A-Day

    April 7th Photo-A-Day When I Wake Up

    Photo-A-Day When I wake up. Prepare to be jealous. I still can’t believe the amazing view we are blessed with. When we lived in California our view was bumper to bumper cars on the street. An apartment complex. A yard with dirt so hard that nothing would grow and a house that seemed to shrink every year. Our new master bedroom is bigger than 4 rooms combined in the Vista house. The area of town we lived in was getting worse and worse by the day. Even with double paned windows the noise outside from stereos, cars and what seemed to be endless parties would make the walls shake. Our…