• Simple Tips for Fractions

    Simple Tips for Fractions

    Many people, even when they are naturally good at math, have a hard time with fractions. If you fall in this category, there is hope. By following these simple tips for fractions, you can learn how to perform basic math functions using fractions. Numerator vs. Denominator A fraction represents a part of a whole number. If you have one half (i.e., 1/2) of a pie, for example, the whole pie has been divided into two equal parts, one of which is missing. The number on the bottom of the fraction is the number of parts or the denominator. The top number is how many of the parts are present, or…

  • Photo-A-Day Y Stick

    May 25th, Photo-A-Day Y

    Y not let Mother Nature do Photo-A-Day Y!! Bear and I had a wonderful 2 hour hike today. Not a single shed (antler) found. But it was a great hike. All before the thunderstorms that are supposed to arrive here in Idaho any time. I found several Y shaped branches and took that as a sign!  Easy day!

  • Arch of flowers and plants

    May 24th Photo-A-Day X

    Well, it’s apparent I did not fully think the whole ALPHABET photo prompt thing all the way through. X – Y – Z REALLY?! What the HECK do I have that starts with an X?! APPARENTLY, I have NOTHING!! I looked. I went to the dictionary for something I may have…….. Instead I give you new word. Maybe it’s not new to you but it is to me. I wonder if I could convince The Husband I need a Xyst??