• Cave tour

    Oh What A Vacation!

    First, that vacation was AAAAAAHHHHHHMAZING!!!!!  Yes, I missed all of my little Peanuts. But, I had a great time with my kids (Selena and Zachary) and families. Mostly an awesome time with granddaughter Alice. I also got to spend some quality time with my bonus granddaughter Olivia. The girls are 8 and 10 so they got along fabulously. I spent time between the two families. Selena, Dan and Alice. Then time with Zachary, Amber and Olivia. (okay, I have to do it again! They live 19 miles apart and it takes 2 HOURS to get to the other house. WHATTHE#$&(#%*#@^%!!  Sorry, I just needed to remind myself Sandpoint, Idaho is…

  • Business ideas

    Far Too Many Business Owners Forget About These Things

    There’s no doubt that it takes a certain type of person to truly succeed as a business owner. After all, you need to be the kind of person who’s able to juggle a whole host of different things all at once without falling into the trap of letting it all get on top of them. However, even the most talented business owners in the world aren’t immune to certain mistakes and the most common is that there are certain things that are a lot more commonly ignored or forgotten about when it comes to their business. With that in mind, here are just a few examples of what business owners…

  • Moving box on dolly

    Mistakes to Avoid when Moving Your Home

    One of the most stressful tasks to pull off is moving a house. Unfortunately, almost all of us end up moving houses at some point in time. Especially, if you are living in a rental property, chances are that you will be moving places every few years. Even people who are experienced in moving places find it stressful every time they have to shift to a new dwelling. However, the entire process can be made much less hectic if you can avoid a few common mistakes. Leaving everything for the last moment The most common mistake that most people make when planning their move is to leave everything on the…