• Habits of a Very Successful Business Owner

    Job Market Successful Business Owner Business meeting

    If you want to make sure that you are the best business owner that you can be, then this is the guide for you. Here you will find out everything you need to know about operating your own business while also finding out how you could achieve your true potential. Get up Early You need to make sure that you get a good start, right away. Successful business owners will get a huge amount of work done between the hours of 5am and 7am, This may not be client work either, it could be planning the week, journaling or even preparing for the day ahead. Either way, if you have…

  • Trail Cam Friday! July 3, 2020

    My trail cam pictures

    FINALLY! Gesh, seems like forever since I’ve had anything even a little interesting trail cam picture to share.  I am hoping that I can capture some fireworks from the top deck tomorrow and maybe something on the trail cam? I dunno. Fingers crossed. So this week the deer are back. Including a young buck with tiny little antlers. One very conceded turkey that seems to be saying “I’m ready for my close-up” and my little bear cub. No sign of the ma’ma in these shots. Of course, I had to share one shot that showed we actually had some blue sky!! Can I get a whoop whoop!? So, not the…

  • 5 Tips I Can Share About Self Tanners!

    Self Tanner

    Look at me bein’ all responsible and such! Actually, taking my own advice and not laying out in the sun. Using self tanners and sunscreen and I still have that sun kissed glow. # 1 and probably THE most important tip I have If this is your first attempt at self tanners DO NOT DO THIS the night before a big event. Yes, you can take that from my own PERSONAL experience. Thankfully, jeans are acceptable at any event I attend. So, my advice is too practice. #2 Use a spray mist tanner. I find it’s much easier than a lotion type. I like the Pureauty Naturals Sunless Tanner  (Amazon…

  • $50 Your Way #Giveaway July 2020

    July $50 Giveaway

    Anddddddddddddd here we are again with July’s $50 #giveaway.  Another month has passed by like a lightning bolt. Best part of June?  I believe that we can all agree is that Tamra got sprung!! Congratulations Tamra. You are a ROCK star!! Did you get a “goin’ home party’ from the home? I tried my darnedest to get Alice to do a video congratulations video. Yea…. working with a 9-year-old takes a lot of bribery and from a different state I have less ‘pull’ than I used too. But, one of these days it may just show up. Fingers crossed. My June biopsy came back ‘inconclusive’ so the whole lump must…