• My Trail Cam Photos

    Trail Cam Friday

    Moved the trail cam and STILL have boring photo’s. Except of course when The Husband and I were walking Bear and realized we were in front of the camera. TRUE wildlife RIGHT?!?!? Remember the to-do list I was so proud of???  Wanna guess how many things I have crossed off so far? Zip, zero, NADDA!!! So badly I wish that I wrote ‘print list’ cause I did do that and I could have crossed it off. Oh well. Next week maybe the trail cam will capture someTHING! Anything! Hope you are all well. Stay inside and go wash your hands.  

  • $50 Your Way Giveaway

    $50 Your Way Giveaway! April 2020!

    Here we are with another monthly giveaway. This month’s update though is gonna be super boring. Truly, with covid around, could our lives get any weirder??  This is like being sent to your room (which is where I always wanted to be anyway!). Going outside feels like I’m doing something wrong. (okay mostly it felt like I was in my own episode of the Walking Dead!) We did do a Walmart run for food on Monday and now we are settled in with supplies for at least the next month (if needed). Today (March 31st) it was easy peasy to stay home. It’s snowing BIG huge flakes of snow. I…

  • warehouse

    Smart Tips for Using Warehouse Space Wisely

    Making the best use of warehouse space that you have is essential if you want to run an efficient warehouse and store enough inventory. Even smaller warehouses or sections of a warehouse can be utilized smartly if you know how. You can use a number of tips and tricks that will help you to make sure that none of the space in your warehouse goes to waste, and it’s still easy for your workers to pick orders quickly and accurately. Here are some of the things that you could be doing to make the most of your warehouse space. Reduce Aisle Width While it can be necessary to have wide…