• Aurate NYC

    Let’s Ring In 2022 With A Bold Chain Necklace! #auratenyc

    2022 is just hours away! Can you believe another year has come and gone? I am pretty darn sure that I JUST wished you little Peanuts a Happy 2021!??! Again!! Time flies like crazy! Yeah, even in Idaho. Yup, I’m still a funny girl!  A FUNNY GIRL with NEW Jewelry!! This year I was trying to find a necklace that I could wear all the time. Something pretty, feminine and delicate looking but sturdy. Okay, seriously? Did I really think I would find all those requirements in ONE chain?? No…. honestly I didn’t. HOWEVER!! That was before I searched on my favorite jewelry site Au-Rate.  Hit that search bar with:…

  • $5 in a wallet

    3 Smart Things You Can Do For Your Finances

    Sometimes, just getting by is not enough. You can choose to stay where you are, or you can choose to take smart steps and improve your finances for the better. When you choose the latter, you are more likely to live a fruitful life and provide yourself with peace of mind as your financial security secures your future. Nothing in life is certain, including your job, or the financial market. So when you can take control over your finances, you can decrease any risks of finding yourself in an unpleasant situation.  Here are 3 smart things to get you started with better financial management today.  #1 Create a finances plan…

  • Zest Tea

    Where my Tea Lovers? Where my Caffeine Peeps? Where my CBD Buds?

    See what I did with that post title? I DO crack myself UP!! I am a FUNNY girl!! Tea lovers unite! As funny as I think I am, CBD is really a great product. I suffer from Fibromyalgia. Everything hurts. I feel like my nerve endings are always firing on all cylinders.  My hands ache all of the time. It makes typing hard. It makes doing my crafting REALLY hard. I love to knit. If I am sittin’ I’ma knittin’ but by bed time I can’t even make a fist. I HAVE too MUCH I want to DO!!!! I have to much I have to do! I’m just so tired.…