A to Z April Challenge Letter C

Chocolate, Champagne and Casino….. as my daughter Selena calls it my Holy Trinity. There was no way to pick just one C!  Chocolate has to be first! With the Reese Peanut Butter eggs, hearts, pumpkins in particular. Why the cups taste so much different I have no idea and why the eggs, pumpkins and hearts can’t be around year ’round I don’t understand either! I guess I should be extremely happy they aren’t! I can’t even imagine my hip size if they were!!
Champagne, yum! What is there not to love?  Bubbles good! Taste delicious! I love champagne.
Casino, living in Southern California I’m so close to the Indian Casino’s it’s scary!  Mind you, if I lived in Las Vegas I’d be living out of a shopping cart, I’m sure!!  As it is there are 5 casinos within 25 minutes of me. Too many! Too close! My Mom and I spend one night a month at Harrah’s Rincon. We have dinner, we gamble and we go to bed too dang late!!  I know what you are thinking when you live so close why spend the night?? Because the bathtubs in Harrah’s rooms are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! (okay mainly because we stay up way tooo late! I swear my Mom is like the energizer bunny at the casino! I say uncle way before she does! I’m too old to go to bed at 6AM!!!)
make money at the casino
C is for Casino, Champagne and Chocolate. What are your vises?

A to Z Challenge blog everyday except Sunday (per the rules) with my theme being what makes me happy, what inspires me and what makes me ME!!!  So be prepared for more information about me than you ever wanted to know!!

 I could use a click!  


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