BatchPhoto Review + Giveaway

Bloggers use a lot of photographs and I am no exception. I love taking photographs. However, rotating and cropping is a pain in the tush! But, it has to be done. Normally one shot at a time. Then there’s the adding of watermarks which takes forever so I normally just skip it.
So, when I was approved to write a review for BatchPhoto™ a Photo Productivity Toolkit I jumped for joy!!

If you do repeatable and predictable actions to your photo collection BatchPhoto is a MUST HAVE!! This program is amazing!! I can resize, stamp with both the date and time, watermark with a logo and OR with an image!! I love that feature!! I can crop, rename, add frames and so much more!! Like turning your photo into an oil painting! Swirls! The possibilities are endless! One of the features that I am really excited about after the watermark; is the date and time feature. What a wonderful way to remember one particular event captured with a digital camera.  What a convenient way to accomplish this, just add to the picture itself. So no matter if your photos are displayed on the computer or in a classic photo-album, the original date stamp will be visible!  Now I know you’re thinking well, my camera does that. Ahhhhhh but BatchPhoto let’s me put that date and time stamp WHERE I want it!! Which is great when you do a lot of rotating photos like I do.

BatchPhoto has been around since 2005 working to make BatchPhoto the best tool for automating those repeatable actions!

I am here to tell you this is a super easy program to use. This program is not just easy to use but it’s fast too. I can edit batches at a time…. hey! Just like the name!! Whaddya know!?

Added bonus BatchPhoto works with Macs and PCs!!

This review has taken forever to write because I keep going in and playing with the filters and forgetting to come back and write. Also, forget you saw these photos! They are for a review coming up later this week.

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Seriously?!? I’m all for anything that makes my job easier as a blogger; and BatchPhoto does exactly that!!


FIVE lucky Peanut Butter and Whine follower will win their own BatchPhoto Program Home License (digital download). Good LUCK!!!


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