• woman with cup cuddled Staying Healthy

    Running A Home While Staying Healthy

    It’s not easy to do. Running a home and staying healthy can feel like challenges on their own, but when you put them together, that adds even more pressure onto you. Even though this is the case, it is possible, and if you have a solid plan behind you, there’s no need for it to pile up and feel like it’s getting the best of you. In this article, we’re going to be looking at how you can run a home while staying healthy in the easiest way possible, so keep reading down below if you want to find out more. It’s Not All On You The first thing that…

  • Prayer Group

    Sunday Prayer Group Request

      Holy Moly what a week. What a month. Seriously, this Covid-19 is scary. Watching the map the news channels put up with all the red dots that just get bigger and bigger. Last week our area went from zero cases to  48 cases. Thankfully no deaths to report yet. The Husband and I are staying home. Thankfully, it’s been beautiful outside so we’ve been cleaning up the downed trees from last weeks wind storm. We’ve counted 30+ fallen trees (so far). We’ve cut up 1. These are BIG TREE’s.  This is going to take forever. I’m so happy that Sonya at Sonya’s Happenings and I are co-hosting our Sunday…

  • Prayer list Group

    Sunday Prayer Group Post Your Needs, Even Unspoken

    This is the 3nd week of the Sunday Prayer Requests. I am co-hosting with my friend Sonya over at Sonya’s Happenings. I hope you will go over and see Sonya’s site! She’s a sweetheart! Trust me Sonya has a great sense of humor and A TON of Giveaways as well!!! She’s got it goin’on over there!!! I’m not a real religious person. I was raised Catholic. However, I haven’t been to church in years. I do believe in the higher power of God. I do say my prayers at night. I do believe in the power of prayer. I don’t think prayers need to be formal I think you can…