Guess Who’s A Golfer NOW?!?!
I’ve told you all before my children are FUNNY people. Truly, they are SO FUNNY! They do manage to get themselves into some crazy stuff. Today, I want to share Zachary stuff. When Zac finds something he loves he goes all IN!! Yeah, I know what you are thinking, he is exactly like you. Yup, this nut didn’t fall far from this tree. I think his first obsession was baseball cards. He collected binder after binder. BOXES of baseball cards. Autographed baseballs. He especially collected Frank Thomas memorabilia. He wanted every thing Frank Thomas that he could find. Then, it was The Raiders. Trust me he has everything Raiders. Hats,…
6 Tips to Improve Your Golf Game
You’ve tried a few games, but no matter how hard you try your golf game doesn’t seem to improve. You’ve gone through several YouTube tutorials, but while the advice they give seems logical in theory, you just cannot seem to improve in practice. When it comes to improving your golf game, a lot of people think about joining a club or working with a professional. But there are several improvements you can make right away and you’ll begin noticing a significant improvement in your game. We asked the experts at BombTech Golf to share what some of those are. Schedule an Eye Checkup While you might think you’re too young…