
All giveaways 2018

  • August $50 Giveaway

    $50 Your Way Giveaway August 2024

    Here I am again with another $50 YOUR Way Giveaway! Remember last month I mentioned that I’ve been doing these giveaways since September 2012! Well, over the last couple of months, I’ve been trying so hard to get this blog cleaned up so I will rank better for SEO. (It’s always something right??) Anyway that’s the blah blah blah part…. while cleaning up a post in 2014 (Tamra you won a diamond candle, I haven’t gone further back yet there may be more!!) I found FIRST that Tamra and Kate have been with me almost from the beginning!! DANG! I love you ladies. Anyway, cleaning up that post made me…

  • July $50 Giveaway

    $50 Your Way Giveaway! July 2024

    Happy July Little Peanuts!!! Yup, this is the same $50 giveaway I have hosted each month for years. My first solo giveaway was in September of 2012! I started with just a $10 giveaway. Then I moved the prize up to  $35 and eventually the giveaway became a $50 prize. If you’re new here I hope you will join us often. To my most awesome, amazing followers who have stuck with me for years, THANK YOU! I’m so happy to see you again. The first part of my $50 giveaway post is always a recap of the previous month. So, if this bores you feel free to scroll to the end.…

  • $50 Giveaway June

    $50 Your Way Giveaway June 2024

    Guess who bit the bullet and bought a new (hopefully improved!) giveaway widget? Yeahhhh this GIRL! ME! The Head Peanut. I hope that you like it. I hope it’s easier to use. ESPECIALLY that dang tweet button!! RIGHT!??!??! If something doesn’t work or needs more explanation let me know ASAP and I will fix it. (OR as you all know me so well, I could very well break it! There is always that chance. Although, I call it the ghost of PBnWhine). The first cataract surgery went great on the 31st. The doctor and the staff were AMAZING!!! Although after all the numbing and pain meds wore off……… wellllllll lets…