
All giveaways 2018

  • $50 Giveaway June

    June’s $50 Your Way Giveaway

    Hello little Peanuts, I’m here with my monthly $50 Your Way Giveaway! Happy June little Peanuts 2022 is half over!?! Whaaaat!?! May was fairly boring up on the mountain. Worked in my garden. Added marigolds around my flowers. I read that deer don’t like them. Maybe I will get some flowers for inside the house this year. My fingers are crossed. I also added Bleeding Heart plants in my garden, because they are deer-resistant. 🦌 Keeping my fingers AND toes crossed for these. Isn’t it pretty?! I know I said on Instagram I was going to keep them indoors. Yeah by day 3 the hearts were a very light pastel…

  • May $50 Giveaway

    $50 Your Way May 2022 Giveaway!

    Happy May Little Peanuts! Are you ready for May’s Giveaway? I am ready for some sunshine. Idaho can’t decide if it wants to snow, rain, or just be gloomy. So much so that it will do it all at the SAME TIME!! I am ready for some hiking and kayaking. April SUCKED April wasn’t exactly a great month for The Husband! First, a nasty MS attack that put him back in a wheelchair. then adding insult to injury The Husband was diagnosed with Wet Macular Degeneration which requires a SHOT IN THE EYE!! WITH a NEEDLE!! Of course, I filmed the whole thing and sent it to our kids. They…

  • April 2022 $50 Giveaway

    Hello April!! #Giveaway Win $50 Your Way! April 2022

    Hello, little Peanuts are you ready for Aprils Giveaway?  This month’s update is rather boring. I actually had to scroll through pictures on my phone to think of what I did in March. I was thinking that we didn’t do a hell of a lot. AND THEN I REMEMBERED! Got the car stuck on the drive. The driveway was solid ice. I slid backward and truly thought we were going over the side down the mountain. After three of those tries, The Husband brought out the tractor. While he was adding the shovel to the tractor our tenant Patty pulled up behind my car. While we were chatting, her car…